Chapter 9 - You Love Me?!

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A/N; Sorry I haven't updated in a while! Been busy with my other fanfic actually and I guess you could say I had writers block and had no idea where to go with this.. Anyways, hope you like what's to come! <3


Hayley's POV ||

Obviously in my mind I was ripping Tammy's head off.. If only it were reality.

I walked towards Tammy.

"Hey Hayley! Great job on this piece!" She said while practicing.

"Thanks.. So you're really doing this piece with Nathan?"

"Yeah. I mean I thought about it and there's no point in me avoiding him. We're not kids anymore right?" She said while continuing her practice.

"But don't you think you're leading him on a little?"

"Look, I know Nathan. And if he says he's not gonna be awkward then I'll take his word for it." She replied.

"Yeah.. But you do know that he's probably freaking out cause he's dancing with you." I said.

"Yeah right." She said sarcastically while turning and facing me.

I stayed quiet.

"Look, I'm not trying to be this evil girl okay? He wanted me back. But if it means that much to you, why don't you just tell him? And let him decide.. Between me.... and you."

"No. It's not.. worth it." I said while leaving.


I was catching up on some school work when my phone buzzed.

It was a text from Nathan.

'I'm really sorry Hayles'

'Sorry? I'm alright. I'm absolutely normal, you don't gotta apologize :)'

'It's just... I just realized that... Hayley... I really really like you'

W-H-A-T?! This must be some kind of sick joke or something. He can't be serious. I wanna believe him so badly but I know how he loves his pranks.

'Ha ha ha.. Good joke Nath. Good one!'

'I'm serious Hayley... I was blinded this whole time. Blinded my Tammy when the only person I needed was right in front of me the whole time'


'C'mon Hayley. I really like you'

'Okay... Fine. I might like you a little.. But just a little'

Is this really happening? Like are you for real?


It was Monday and we were back at university. Nathan and I hadn't met up the whole weekend but we texted ... A lot.

I got to my locker to see Nathan walking by. I smiled but he completely ignored me.

Erm... Guess I'm invisible today.

Nathan and I had all of our classes together so I guessed that we would maybe talk then?

I got into class early. I was finishing up some stuff when I heard someone walk in.

It was Nathan. He'd usually sit beside me but he didn't.

He sat with some of his guy friends instead..

The minute class finished I had walked out. Avoiding any contact with Nathan.

'Hayley! Hayley! Wait up!' I heard Nathan say as he rushed towards me.

'What?!' I snapped.

'Hey..' He said with a smile.

'Hey?! Have I been fucking invisible today?! I guess so since you didn't bother to even LOOK at me this whole day'

'I'm sorry alright?'

'No Nathan! We're supposed to be best friends. I'm not your second option!'

'I love you' he suddenly said.

I just walked away. Not that I wasn't happy. I was just shocked. He can't love me. We've barely even been today a day.


I was sat in my room finishing up some notes when I heard a knock.

'Who is it?' I asked as I got to the door.


I opened the door to see Nathan smiling.

I smiled as I said hey.

I walked back to my room.

'So.. Hayley, I'm sorry' he suddenly said apologetically.

'Wh-why? What'd you do?' I asked.

'The whole "I love you" thing. I just sprung it on you and I didn't mean to and I just-'

'It's okay Nathan' I cut him off. 'I'm sorry. I didn't really expect you to love me.. I mean I just never expected you to feel the same'

He got closer to me and smiled as he kissed me.

Everything just seemed perfect.

'Uh.. I'm pretty sure it's your pocket that's vibrating' I said as I pulled away.

'Oh yeah! Erm.. One sec' he said as he walked out to answer the call.

'Everything alright?' I asked as he ended the call.

'Yeah. Perfectly fine' he said as he gave me a kiss. 'But I do have to go, call you later?'

'Yeah sure'

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