Chapter 7 - "Fine"

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Hayley's POV | |

"Here's your iced vanilla soy latte" I said while handing Nathan his drink.

"Uh yeah thanks..." He said while looking back down at his phone.

"What is it with you and that phone anyway? You've been on it the whole time, this morning." I noted.

"What's it to do with you?" He snapped.

I immediately just walked to class on my own.

We had the same classes which made things worse. And we'd always sit together.

But I'm just done with his shit. Seriously.

What's wrong with him lately? He can't seriously still be mad about that Tammy thing. Can he stop being an ass and return to being my best friend already?

I got into class just in time.

I was getting some notes done when I heard someone get into class late.

Sounded like he was in a rush as well.

I didn't bother to look though.

I carried on with my work when someone sat beside me.

I could sense that it was Nathan considering the fact that I could smell his perfume.

Ugh. I honestly don't even wanna deal with him.

"I'm sorry...." He said in a soft voice.

"Uh no other seat?" I said as I rolled my eyes and continued with my notes.


Class had ended and I was walking to get a drink at Starbucks when Nathan had ran after me.

"Wait!" He said as he grabbed my arm.

I pulled away and just ignored him.

It wasn't hard ignoring him since I did it the whole time during class.

Until he becomes my best friend again, he can piss off.

Nathan's POV | |

Seeing her walk away wasn't easy.

I screwed up. Big time.

And this wasn't something I could fix with chocolate covered strawberries...


I didn't see Hayley around campus after our first class. It was our only class since it was Friday.

I need to talk to her. I tried calling her a billion times but I'm pretty sure she lost her phone or something.

Who am I kidding...

It was 3:45 when I saw the time.

I changed into a hoodie and some sweat pants and grabbed my phone and keys and left the house.

We had dance practice today.

My only chance of talking to Hayley.

I tried going to her place but she wasn't there.


Hayley's POV | |

"Thanks for the ride Drew" I said.

"No prob. I always tell you that you're on the way" he replied.

"But I'm not! I'm in the total opposite direction" I said while laughing.

"Yeah... Picking you up is actually a pain. But I say that you're on the way so you don't feel guilty" he said with a cheeky smile.

"Ah... You're right. I do feel less guilty" I said as we both laughed.

"Hey... Do you think things are gonna be weird today?" I asked while grabbing his arm.

He looked confused.

"Between Nathan and Tammy? I mean c'mon, it's only been a few days since their talk. Plus they have that duet together!" I said.

"Yeah I don't really feel like getting into all that drama. Not my thing." He said.

"Oh c'mon!!!!!!" I whined while walking into the studio with him.


I got into the studio to see Nathan there. I tried ignoring him but he grabbed my arm.

"Hayley... Listen..." He said while trying to get my attention.

"What?" I snapped.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being an ass okay? I'm sorry for snapping at you. I'm sorry for just acting like a complete dick. Please forgive me Hayley? Not talking to you today drove me crazy. Not being with you at school drives me crazy. I missed you. I'm sorry" he said as his voice got softer.

"I missed you too" I said while smiling.

It was barely a second before he grabbed me into a hug.

I've missed those hugs. Okay. I know it's only been a day but still...

Nathan's hugs are the BEST.

I'm not even kidding.

We were talking when someone walking in,caught my attention




We did our normal routine the whole time.

Just before leaving, Jayden,our couch, gathered us in a circle.

"Good job guys! We sucked a little less than last week" he said while laughing.

"Before I let you guys go, I just wanted to remind you guys that your pieces are dew next week. The best one will be featured at the Winter Hyper-nation show. It's our first show of the year so we've got to come strong. Not like last year..." He continued.

"EVERYONE must have the new piece ready by next week..." He said while looking at Tammy and Nathan continuously.


Nathan's POV | |

"See you, Nathan!"

"See ya guys!" I said while putting some stuff in my bag.

"Hey.. We need to talk about our plans..." Tammy said while walking towards me.

"Hey... Uh yeah yeah.. Got a lot left to choreograph" I said while standing up.

"I-I don't think it's good if we continue working on it together......" She said while looking down at her feet.

"Wh-What? Why not? What's up...." I asked in slight confusion.

"It'll be awkward,don't you think?.......... Especially after that conversation we had.." She replied

"WHAT? NO!!'s chill... I-It's chill.." I replied in denial.

"We are not chill. This whole practice you've been acting super weird and avoiding me... I just think it's for the best. I'm sure you can find someone else to replace me" she said while walking away.

I saw Hayley walking out with Drew.

I grabbed my bag and ran towards her.

"Hey, Hayley! Wait up.... I gotta ask you something"

"Sure,What's up?" She asked.

"So.. Tammy is.... Being a little weird and uh... She doesn't wanna work on the piece with me... And I was wondering if you could help me finish it?"

"Dude.... Really? I can't believe you looked right pass me... I thought we were friends..." Drew said jokingly.

"It'll be really fun, I promise. I've got some really good ideas.." I said,hopefully.

"Fine..... But don't treat my like I'm a second leftover choice and I've got-"

"Yes yes yes yes" I said while bringing her into a hug.

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