Chapter 1-Unbelievable

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Y/N= Your Name
C/N/N= Cutesy Nick Name
F/C= Favorite Color
F/S= Favorite Show
F/SN=Favorite Snack
E/C= Eye Color
H/C= Hair Color
More will be added later on.

Flash Back

The room was dark the only light shone from a lonely lamp in the corner of the room. Dad set me on the dark brown leather couch.

"Y/N your mom passed away"

"What do you mean daddy?"

"Y/N she died..."

Tears formed in our eyes. "Mommy!" I cried out.

He pulls me in a hug my face burried in his chest sobbing.

~3 Months later~

The past few months where filled with grief. Kids at school made fun of me because my mom didn't come to any class activities, and rarely would my dad. One night my dad got me in my car seat, and he got in the driver seat.

"Daddy where are we going?" I say from my car seat in the back of the car.

"Daddy is going to the bar." He said turning on the car.

"What's a bar?"

"Its a place where you drink away sorrow."

"Oh" I say "Daddy what's sorrow?" I ask.

"It's when you stop asking questions!" he snapped.

3 hours had passed. He stumbled out of the building and got in the driver seat, and turned on the car. I watched the world pass by really fast. I heard honking over and over. My dad stoped in the middle of the intersection and turned to me.

"I'm sorry C/N/N. I love you don't forget that."

"I love you to daddy, but what are you sorry for?"

I heard a loud honk, and a bright light. A truck hit the driver side killing my dad instantly.

"DADDY!!" I scream. After that things went blurry and all I heard where mumbles, and high pitched noises. I look and see white lights and an officer. He had a hammer and was hitting the car. He pulled me out then everything went black.

End of Flash back

~10 years later~

I woke up to the light shinning in the window. I look over at the bed across the room. The bed was neatly made the closet next to the bed was empty(Pic below). Megan left great. That's 37 roommates that have left in the past 10 years. I remind myself you only have one more year before your able to leave this dump. One more year I am on my own.

(I Do NOT own this pic)

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(I Do NOT own this pic)

"Y/N! can you come here for a moment?" Lesley the owner of the adoption center yells.

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