Chapter 2- The Accident

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I started to pack my stuff in four F/C suit cases. I packed my clothes, and grabbed a box from under my bed. Inside I had two picture books one had pictures of my family before they died and the other had pictures of me and my friends from over the past few years. I grabbed them both and tucked them in the suit case. There was a small black shoe box that had little over a thousand dollars that I've saved up from working at the nursery. Last but not least was a locket my mom gave me before she died. Inside was a picture of our family sitting in leaves. Mom sat in dad's lap and mom held me in hers. I quickly pulled off all the posters of mine off the walls. I neatly made my bed. I looked back and took a picture  of the room I've stayed in for 10 years. I walked out the door  and pulled my suit cases behind me. Lesley helped with two, and followed me. I've walked by people I've known for so long.

I walked by Jonathan who I've known for 5 years when he helped me with getting a poster on my ceiling. I walked past Lyla she just got here a month ago, but I helped her sew her Pinki cake stuffed animals leg back on. I walked past so many faces I've gotten close to. A single tear fell from my eye. I'm gonna miss this place even if it's a dump.

I walked out to the front of the center to see Ms.Valkrum and Travis standing in front of the car.

"You ready?" Ms.Valkrum asked.

"Ya. I got all my stuff." I say quietly almost a whisper.

Lesley puts my bags in the back of the car and I give her a big hug.

"Be safe! And don't forget to tell them about your past. They deserve to know." She whispers in my ear.

"You didn't tell them?" I whisper back. She shakes her head. I give her another big hug.

"Got the bags in the back?" Travis asks. I nod. "Great let's go!" Travis says opening the door,"M'Lady" I look at him weird and get in the car.

After a while my phone dings twice. I turn on my phone to see a notification from messages and Wattpad. I open Wattpad and see a new chapter of my favorite book. Great. I close out and go to messages.

"Who ya texting?" Travis asks looking over my shoulder.

"None ya!" I say pushing him.

"Who's None ya?"

"None ya business!"

He rolled his eyes. I look at my messages to see Laurence.

L=Laurence Y=Y/N

L- Who did you get adopted by?

Y-This lady Enki Valkrum. Why?

L- No reason! See you soon❤

Y- What?

L- Nothing

Y- Laurence what do you mean 'see you soon'?

Y- Laurence!

Y- Laurence!?

Ugh why won't he awnser me! I hear Travis phone ring.

"Hello?" There was a pause. "Hey Laurence what's up?" Wait Laurence!? "Ya we should be home in a half hour or so." Another pause. "Ok. Yup. Bye!" And he hung up. Did he say Laurence!? The rest of the car ride was silent.

~Time Skip~

We pulled up in front of a big house. In front was a group of people that looked around my age. Then I saw her. Why is she here? Nichole told me she was adopted by the mayor of Mateli!

Travis opened my door distracting me from my thoughts. "This way madame!" He said. I roll my eyes.

I looked around at all the people. A boy with blond hair blue eyes, a boy with blue hair and blue eyes, a girl with black hair and Amber eyes, a girl blue hair and blue eyes, a girl with and a girl with fiery orange hair and green eyes. And there was Nichole.

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