Chapter 10- Catastrophe

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I woke up to see Laurence on the L shaped couch where Katelyn once was. The rest of the house is quiet. Odd. I sit up and look around. Laurence is on his phone.

"Morning!" He says as he sees me sit up.

"Morning! Where is everyone?"

"Katelyn is going to kill Travis and the guys went to save him."


I get up and grab an apple from the kitchen. Just then I hear scratching from the backyard. I open the door to see a girl with long straight orange hair and red ish orange eyes.

"Um hello?" I ask. Laurence walks up behind me.

"Hey Lucinda."

"Hey Laurence. Hi there I'm Lucinda. You must be Y/N Valkrum."

"I am."

"She's a friend of mine."

"Oh not to be rude, but you look like a witch."

"Heh that's because I am. I mostly work with potions though."

"Oh. That's cool." I hear scratching again.

"What's that scratching sound?" Laurence asks reading my mind.

"There these fellows." She steps aside to reveal cats. She starts to point at each of them," The white one with green eyes is Travis. The blue one with blue stripes and eyes is Katelyn. The dark blue one with the same color eyes is Dante. The yellow one with blue eyes is Garroth." She says.

"What the hell happened!?" Laurence asks picking up Garroth.

"They where fighting so I used a potion to make them freeze, but I used the cat potion instead."

"Seriously!?" I ask picking up Katelyn.

"It'll reverse in an hour or two."

"Great untill then we have to deal with four cats. Two of wich are trying to kill each other!"

"Good luck!" Where Lucinda stood was a puff of smoke.

"Great cats." Laurence says picking up Dante.

I reach down and pick up Travis. "This is a CATastrophe!" I say giggling at my pun.

"I swear you and Aphmau are the same person." Laurence says.

I feel a pain In my arm I look to see Katelyn scratched me. "Ok ok no more puns got it!" I say rubbing my arm.

~MINI TIME SKIP Play music~

Ok we started out with four cats and now there is probably 67. The reason behind it is we kept having cats come to the door that looked exactly like Katelyn, Travis, Dante and Garroth. Now all the cats are running around the house knocking down vases, clawing at the pillows, and pooping in the plants. I can't believe this is happening. Laurence is running around trying to get all the cats in the same room while I continue to try and clean up everything.

"Shit!" I hear Laurence yell from the other room.

"What happened now!?"

"Cat scratched my back!"

"What color is it!?"

"Light blue with darker blue stripes, bright blue eyes, and white fur on her claws!"

"That's Katelyn! Put her in my room and shut the door!"

"On it! Hey Katelyn please don't kill me I told Travis it was a bad idea, but did he listen? Noooo." Laurence runs past me up the stairs to my room.

I look around and see a yellow cat with blue eyes covered in feathers dancing. Found Garroth. I pick him up and run upstairs to my room. I see Katelyn in the corner sleeping and a white cat with green eyes walks up to her and lays down to go to sleep. The cat also has fur missing and scratches got Travis to. Now to look for Dante. Laurence then comes walking in with a dark blue cat with the same color eyes.

"Found Dante flirting with some girls outside the house. That was just sad to watch."

"Great we have them all! Lets get the rest of the cats out!"

We rush down stairs shutting my door behind me. This is gonna be a while.

Cats where running every where. Up and down the halls. On the curtains in the cupboards. Laurence and I run around the house taking one cat at a time. When I come to one cat. It had the same markings as Katelyn. The cat ran and peed in Travis' shoe. Wich he probably deserved and ran into the kitchen and jumped on the counter. The cat knocked down the cereal and toaster. I pounce at the cat only to slip and fall face first on the ground. I look up and see the cat smirk. I cought it off guard and grabbed it's scruff. I then picked it up and put it outside.


It took us four hours to get all of the cats out of the house. The potion had reversed, so now Laurence and I are sitting on the clean couch watching the other four clean up the rest of the house.

"Missed a spot." I say to Travis who is cleaning by the book shelf.


I point to cat puke on the bottom shelf. "Right there."


This goes on for another four hours until it's almost one o'clock in the morning. Garroth and I missed D.A.N.C.E practice today, but I called and let Steven know what happened. I guess this wasn't the first time he head something like that happen.

Katelyn and I walk up to my room and put on PJ's. I hand her a blanket and pillow, and she sleeps on the floor. I go and sleep on my bed. This day has been CATastrophic.

Sorry for the short chapter. Today Watt pad has some issues they will be fixing so I didn't have ALOT of time to get this done, bit I hope you still enjoyed this chapter! P:S I have a new book out The Emo Girl In The Back Zane x Reader Go check it out if you want!

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