Chapter 27- Pictures

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Today was interesting. To be honest I am so tired just from being with Walayla all day, although it was really fun. I walk out of the school to see Katelyn by the car.

"Hey Katelyn!" I yell walking over to the car.

"Hey! You need a ride?"

"Would you mind?"

"Not at all hop in!"


"No problem! We just have to wait for the others and I'll drop you and Jamie off at D.A.N.C.E."

"Sounds good."

I pull out my phone and look through some social media stuff when I see something that hurts.

I pull out my phone and look through some social media stuff when I see something that hurts

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I start to tear up a little. "You ok?" I jump at Gene's voice.

"Oh Y-Ya I'm fine."

"I may not be fluent in this foren  Laungage of 'Women', but I know when they're hiding their feelings. That my friend is what your doing now."

I chuckle a little. "It's nothing it's stupid."

"Nothing is stupid."

"I'm crying over Laurence I guess."

"Ok now that is stupid."

I punch his arm lightly. "I know I just can't help it."

"What are you crying over exactly?"

I show him the picture. "The stupidest thing in the world."

He looks at the picture than smirks."Why don't we put on a show?"


"Give him a reason to cry."

"I don't think he cries."

"So let's make him!"

"How would we do that?"

"By doing the very thing that's making you cry!"

"I g-guess."

"Ok great! Let's post a picture on your profile and make sure you tag me in it!"

"Sounds innocent enough." I pull up the camera. "Katelyn?"

She was currently leaned up against the car. She looks up from her phone and turns around to look at me. "Huh?"

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