Chapter 15- Close

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~1 week later/ Play Song~

"Great I'll see you in two weeks!" I say.

"It was nice talking to you Y/N, and please if you need more time let us know the nursery will always be here."

"Thanks Zoey! I got to go bye!"

"Bye Y/N!"

I hung up. I sat staring at the TV in the hospital bed. Yup I'm still in the hospital. I have been for over a week. Everyone is gone no one is here. Mom is at work. To be honest she is gone all the time. Travis was here earlier, but left for school. Mom says I won't go to PDH right away after I'm released from the hospital. I'll be on strict bed rest for three weeks, as of what the doctor is saying now.

I sit watching Heart Land this show that's on like all the time. To be honest it's actually a pretty good show. This family works with horses. I like horses. I've never rode a horse before, but it looks like fun.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jamie. "Hey Y/N."

She looked sad and depressed. "Jamie are you ok!?"

"Ya I'm fine. Just came to see you."

"Jamie I know when you're lieing. What's wrong?"

"Jax....he...he was in an accident." She starts to cry.

I open my arms motioning her to come to me. "Is he ok?"

She sobs in my shoulder. "No one will tell me. All I know is he had to have surgery."

I sit up and grab her shoulders. "Is he in this hospital?" She nods. "Take me to his room. Grab the wheelchair." She nods and grabs the wheel chair. I take off the heart monitor and stand up. I pull the IV machine with me and sit down.

She pushes me down the hall to the elevator. I hear her cry from behind me. We finally stop on the third floor. Two floors under me. She pushes me to the waiting room. A nurse I haven't seen before comes over.

"Hello there. Who are you here to see?"

"I'm Y/N Valkrum and this is my friend Jamie Ross, and I'm here to see Jax holiday."

"I'm afraid no one can see him."

"Please?" I start to cry and so does Jamie. "He's or best friend. I just wanna know he's ok."

The nurse looks at us with sympathy in her eyes. "He is in room 22B I'll come with you."

The nurse pushes the wheelchair while Jamie holds my free hand. I give her hand a squeeze. We pass the rooms 21A, 21B, 21C, 22A, then finally 22B. Jamie looks like she's gonna break down. I squeeze her hand.

The nurse opens the door and we walk in. On the bed lies Jax. His arm was wrapped up along with his torso. He's got scratches all over his body along with bruises.

Jamie fell into my arms and started crying. Jax heard her. "Jamie!?"

She looks up at Jax. "Jax!" She runs over and hugs him.

"Hey babe." He hugged with his unwrapped arm the best he could with an IV.

"You had me worried sick! They wouldn't tell me anything! I thought you left me...."

"Jamie listen to me I would never leave you. You're the reason  still here, the reason I keep pushing myself to get better. I do it for you."

Jamie started to tear up. "I love you Jax!" They kissed and I looked up at the nurse.

"Can you take me back to my room?" She nods and pushes me back to my room.

~Mini Time Skip~

I sat in the hospital bed in the pale white room. Mom had come earlier, and I can't help but notice that she's getting bigger. I'm not saying she's fat, but she's gaining weight. Almost like she's pregnant. She probably isn't pregnant though. I've never seen a guy at the house, so I'm going to go off of what I know.

I sit staring at the ceiling watching the shadows dance across it from the sun moving in the light. I then hear my phone ding.

??- What did I tell you?

Y- WTF who are you!?

??- oh Y/N I warned you to stay away from them both!

Y- Who the hell are you? And how do you know my name!?

??- Oh Y/N you will find out eventually. Until then watch your back!

"Sally!" I yell from the bed. The nurse comes in.

"Yes Y/N?"

"I just got a threatening text from someone. I don't know who it is, bit is there a way I can have like a police officer or someone outside my room? I don't really feel safe."

"Well let me see your phone and I can see what I can do."

"Thanks Sally." I say handing her my phone.

"Your welcome Y/N."

She leaves the room and I am sitting doing absolutely nothing. I sit there for a few minutes until Michi comes in.

"I warned you to stay away Y/N Nya~"

"M-Michi!? How are you here you went to prison!?"

"Michi has her ways Nya~ Also known as bail." She whispered the last part.

When she was distracted I pulled the little string calling for emergencies. "W-What do you want Michi?"

"I want Laurence~Senpi Nya!" She says pulling out a needle.

"Michi please just leave me alone!"

"I won't leave you alone until Laurence~Senpi is mine!" She gets closer with the needle and stops. She then falls to the floor, the needle flying across the room. I look to where she was once standing to see Sally with a needle.

"What was that!?"

"That my friend was what I would like to call a mussel relaxer, a very strong mussel relaxer."

"Will it kill her?"

"No it will just make her limp, and tired. No harm done."

"What was in the needle she had?"

She walks over and picks it up. "First glance it looks like a poison. I'll have to send it to the lab for further testing, but Y/N are you ok?"

"Ya I'm fine that was just...Close."

"Your lucky you pulled the string when you did. I'll have an officer stand by at all times."

"Thank you so much Sally."

"Anything for my favorite patient. Now get some rest. Laurence texted your phone earlier saying he'll be here at 4:00 to see you." She says handing me my phone.


I relax laying on the bed. I turn on the TV. I can't help thinking that was close.

Hope you enjoyed! What do you think will happen to Michi?

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