Chapter 13- Hurt

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I hear murmurs and high pitched voices. I can't open my eyes. I feel two people on either side of me holding my hands. I try to listen to what the voices are saying.

"If she doesn't wake up soon with how much head trauma we will have to pull the plug."

I hear someone cry. "Why? My baby girl!" The one crying says.

"She may not respond to you, since we don't know if she is able to hear, but if she wiggles her toes or squeezes your hand let me know."

"Yes Dr.Doctor!"

I hear footsteps getting further away. "I'm going out to get something to eat. Come on Travis let's go. Garroth will you stay here with her?"

"Of course Ms.Valkrum."

"Please call me Enki." I hear two pairs of footsteps getting further away.

"Y/N I don't know if you can hear me, and I don't know if you will ever wake up, but I want you to know Ivy and Michi are going to prison. You've been out for two days now. School starts tomorrow. Everyone is a reck. Most of the group is in the waiting room, waiting. Heh all except Cadenza she left to go sell clothes. Y/N we're all miserable. Please wake up or respond."

I try to open my eyes or talk, but I can't. I remember what the doctor says. I squeeze his hand.

"Y/N!? Squeeze my hand again if you can hear me!"

I squeeze his hand again this time harder. I wiggle my toes as well.

"Dr.Doctor! She's responsive!" I feel him reach over me.

I hear footsteps run in. "Y/N Valkrum. Can you wiggle your toes on your left foot?" I wiggle my toes. "Great can you squeeze my wrist?" I squeeze his wrist that he put in my hand. "Great! Now can you open your eyes?" I squeeze Garroth's hand. "Hmm ok."

I hear two pairs of footsteps run up next to me. "Y/N! It's me Travis please wake up!"

"Son I'm going to have to ask you wait outside."


"Outside! All of you please!"

"Come on boys let Dr.Doctor do his job."

"Y/N please wake up soon." Garroth says giving my hand a squeeze. I squeeze back letting him know I heard. I hear footsteps leave the room.

"Y/N I'm Dr.Doctor. Can you try and speak?"


"Good. Now I'm going to use a pressure point to make your eyes open." He puts his hand next to my head. He pushes and one eye opens. "Ok good can you open the other one?" I open my other eye. "Good! Now can you tell me your name?"


"Ok now what is your current surname?"


"Good! Now how many fingers am I holding up?" He put up four fingers.


"Good now follow my finger."

He moves his finger up and I look up, he moves it to the right I look right, he continues moving his finger around and my eye follows.

"Good! Now I'm going to send in a nurse to help change your bandages."


"Would you like me to send in your friends and family?"

"J-just m-my family p-please."

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now