Chapter 30- Sadness Comes Again

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A Big shout out to those have made this story possible

JamieDa_Unicorn dontcare113 blaabi83 and all of you other weirdos! To celebrate I will be writing A LOT of chapters!

(Jax idk your user😕)

~Your POV/ Play song~

Am I dead? I must be dead right. There is no light, sound, nothing. Yup I'm dead. I'm gone. Goodbye cruel world! "Hmnmuh humn" Wait what was that noise?

"Y/N please wake up."

Darn it I'm not dead. Oh well might as well wake up. I open my eyes a little.

Why Me? Why is it always me? I stare at the tiles on the ceiling. From the smell of bitter coffee, hand sanitizer, and the beeping noises I am guessing I am in the fucking hospital. AGAIN.

"Y/N please wake up." I turn and look to my left and see Laurence. He's holding my hand. Now that I think of it I can't feel my hand.

Wait I can't feel my hand. Oh sheet! Oh sheet, Oh sheet, Oh sheet!

"I can't feel my hand!" I freak out I try and move it. Laurence sits up and pushes my shoulders back onto the bed.

"Calm your ass down!"

"Laurence I can't feel my freaking hand and you are expecting me to calm down!?"


"I won't breathe I can't feel the left side of my freaking body!"


Anne walks in. "Y/N I was hoping I wouldn't see you again. What seems to be the problem?"

"I can't feel the left side of my Fucking body!" I yell. Just the the world goes black. Great just great now I can't Fucking see!

~Laurence s POV~

"Wait what did you just do?" I ask the nurse.

"I gave her a mild sedative to calm her down."

"What about her not being able to feel her left side?"

"When she was hit she got temporary palatalization."

"So will it wear off?"

"Yes in fact it's gone now, but we numbed her left side so she won't feel the pain."

"Oh. When will she wake up?"

"She should wake up in an hour or so. Don't worry though she will be fine the only surgery we had to do was for her head and wrist." I look over at her head that was no wrapped up. I can still see that piece of glass in her head.

"Other than that she will be fine. Your lucky the bus stopped when it did, and you where there otherwise she wouldn't be here."

"Ya she's pretty lucky."

"Do you know if Enki is on her way?"

"Ya her and Travis should be here any minute now."

"Ok let me know when they get here."

"I will." I sit back down next to the bed and hold her hand.

~Flash back~


I run over to her car and pull the mostly broken door of her car and pull her out.

A girl with Pink hair and golden eyes runs out of the bus and over to me.

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now