Chapter 33- Costumes

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"You drove my car!?" Katelyn asks.

"No I rode on a magic carpet." Soph says.

"I am going to kill you!" Katelyn growls.

"Dad said it was fine!"

"It's my car!"

"No it's dad's! He payed for it!"

"You know what guys I'll drive!" I say getting in the front seat. They look at me like I'm crazy.

"Y/N Should you be driving?" Jamie speaks up.

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Well you know..." Soph mutters out.

"Just get in the damn car!" I say a little louder than I intend to.

They climb into the car. Soph sits next to me.

"You sure you'll be fine?" She asks.

I look both directions before pulling out of the driveway. "As fine as I'll ever be..." I mutter barley above a whisper.

We drive down the road towards the school. I keep quiet as the radio blasts. I hate how people just break me down.

We pull up to the school and I put the car in park. I climb out of the car and we get out. The bell rings and I walk to my first class.

I get to the class room and sit next to Walayla. Bubbles was very friendly today and comes and walks across the table and crawls up my arm. He sits on my shoulder and falls asleep. I smile a little and turn to Walayla. She gives me a big smile.

"I perfer to talk." She giggles.

Mr. Max walks into the room as the late bell rings. "Good morning class! Since today is Halloween and the dance, We will be holding a costume contest!"

A few people groan while others seem to be exited. "Those of you not participateing in the holiday you will be the judges! Eiliah, James, and Eliza walk to the front of the classroom. The rest of you go change!"

Everyone rushes out. Walayla grabs the sleepy ferret from my shoulder and follows me to the bathrooms. I see Cadenza outside the bathroom.

"Cadenza? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm here for people who have forgotten their costumes or have not yet tried them on."


I walk into the bathroom and go into the corner. No one really payed attention to anyone changing. I pull out my costume.
I slip off my clothes and put it on. I fit it over my waist and over my shoulders when I hear a rip.

I quickly poke my head out to Cadenza. "Fashion 911!"

She quickly run and looks at the tear. "Don't worry I'll have this fixed in no time. Slip it off real quick."

I do as she said and I quickly put on my shirt. She comes back about ten minutes later with my costume or should I say her costume? She changed alot. The length of the skirt and top, changed the shoes, and added gold. I put on anyways and look in the mirror.

"Wow..." I say looking into the mirror.

I look around to see almost everyone went back to class. I slowly walk out of the bathroom and walk to class.

I get in and see various costumes that are pretty common. Ghosts, Clowns, Vampires, Spiderman, Elsa, and a few others.

"Ok anyone who has the same costume as someone else you are out!" James says. That leaves Me, Travis, Walayla, Garroth, Abby, Jax, Jamie, and Ash. The judges looked at us one by one.

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