Epilogue- Final Goodbyes

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I hold Allie in my arms while I feed her her bottle. Soph sits unpacking the little things to give apatment 3D a little more of a homey feeling.

Soph had worked so hard and I couldn't be anymore greatful for her being here.

I sit on the black couch watching reruns of Diaries. I look down at Allie the month old baby girl that means so much to me. I hold back tears as she smiles and giggles for the first time.

Soph stops and looks at me. "I do believe a fairy was born, a gay ome at that." I smile at her remark.

As time passes I look down at Allie to see her asleep. I gently stand up and take her to the crib right next to the couch. I make sure the blanket is nowhere near her face so she can breath.

Soph works on getting picture frames up.I go to my purse and pick up the envelope my mom gave me I see the one marked June 28th. And I open it.

Dear Y/N,

I hope you are doing well and that Irene has been helping you and the little angel. I know it's weird that I planned my own funeral, but I did.

I want you to go back to Pheonix Drop for my funeral. Dont worry about Travis, because I have that covered. In a box in your closet has a potion. It will descise you for 8 hours, so no ome will know it's you.  All you have to do is say you're cousin Neciy.

She wont be going, because she knew how much it meant for you. Go and I'll be with you every step.

It's tommorrow and the ceramony starts at noon. Say hi to your brother too, even if he may be mad at you. Support him as a cousin not a sister.

I love you dearly, and I believe in you.


"I guess I'm going to a funeral." I say to Soph.

She looks at me with sad eyes. "I know."

~Time Skip/ Play Song~

I look at myself in the mirror. I look like a bee threw up on me. 'My' hair is black with yellow streaks and my eyes a yellow green. I look nothing like the real me. I have on nice black flats and a loose dress that doesnt show my stomach.

I walk into the living room to see Soph asleep while Allie silently slips in a few Z's as well.

I gently shake Soph. "I'm leaving I say in avoice thats not my own."

She just nods and I walk out of the house driving back to my home.

~Time Skip~

Now a few words from the family. A guy in a fancy black suit says. Travis, Grandma Nelly, and I all move uo to the platform.

Travis starts. "It was a horrible way to die. A surgery misshap the loss of blood. It was all too soon. She deserved a long life, but she didnt get it. She was great mother to me, and I will never forget the mkrnings she would make me pancakes just so she could see her baby boy every morning healthy and alive." Se says starting to sob. "And I will miss her with every bone in my body." He finishes.

He moves aside and I take his place watching what I say. "Enki was a great aunt. She was there when you needed her. Not only for her own blood, but a girl she barley knew. She took in a 17 year old girl who felt helpless in this world, and helped her turn her life around. She watched me grow into who I am now, and I would not be who I am, and I know Y/N wouldn't be as well. She was a true hero. Loved by all." I say crying. I move over and let grandma talk.

"Thanks for coming Neciy." Travis says giving me a hug.

I hug back. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I say cring softly.

The ceramony is finished off by flowers going on top of my mothers grave. I stare down at it taking in the deep dark reality. My mother is gone, out mother is gone. Travis stands beside me hands in his pockets tears streaming down his face. I look at him to see a figure by a tree that looks exactly like the woman who took the role as my mother when no one elss would. She smiles and points to Travis, and I know just what to do.

"Travis," I say quietly he looks down at me,"Y/N misses you, and she wanted me to give you this." I hand him a piece of paper with my number on it.

He looks at it as if it's a disease. "She didnt even come! Why would I talk to her." He says more as statment than a question.

"Because she was here. She was in the back and left after the ceramony." I say with confidence.

"R-Really? Why would she come and not come over to me?" He asks. Hurt lurking in his eyes.

"Because it's not just you hurting. She has to get herself together just like you do." I say with a small smile.

"How long will that take?" He asks staring at the paper.

"As long as it has to." I reply.

"Thanks Neciy." He says hugging me.

"No problem Travis. I have to go now, but remember Y/N's always there." I say getting ready to leave.

"I will he replies." With a small smile.

I walk towards the car think to myself, 'Why Me?'

Just gonna go...👉

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now