Chapter 34- Parties And Regrets

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⚠Contains mature content ⚠

After Math people continued to go around in their costumes, except for PE because there is a freaking uniform! I walk down the hall sweaty with one boot on. I quickly rush to get to Music or whatever you would call it.

"Y/N!" I turn around to see Laurence running towards me.

I try to wave and my binder falls out of my hands on to the ground. "Crap I'm going to be late for sure now!"

"Here I'll help." Laurence says bending down helping grab my stuff. After we finish he stands up and looks at the boot I have in hand. "Why do you only have one boot?"

"Long story I would love to tell when I'm not late." I run half way down the hall seeing the music room when the bell rings. "Damn it!"

"It's fine here follow my lead." We walk in the class room and the teacher looks up at us.

"Ms.Valkrum you're late."

I am about to say something when Laurence cuts in first. "I stopped her in the hall. She was outside the door when I stopped to ask her about her costume."

Well he had most of that the truth. "Is that true Ms.Valkrum?"

"Yes it is." I say the best I can trying not to show I'm lieing.

"Ok sit down. Laurence I have some new music for you on your desk."

I turn and sit down. "On it!" Laurence says sitting at his desk.

"Ok class we have a new song that will be performed by Laurence and...." They look around the room, "Y/N!"

"M-Me? But I don't sing."

"You do now!" The teacher says with a smile. Mr.Bob Grabbed a karaoke machine out and got it set up.

"Let's do the one we used to sing when we where younger. The one we made up a little music video too.

The song ends and I'm on my knee with my head down and Laurence is standing up a few feet beside me doing the same thing.

"Marvelous!" Mr.Bob shouts giving an applaud. "And you said you didn't sing."

"I don't. I dance." I reply.

"Well very well done both of you. Next we will have Travis and Katelyn."

~Time Skip To the dance~

I hand Mardgery my ticket and she let's me in. I walk around the gym looking at all the people dancing on the dance floor. There are mostly Freshman, a few Sophmores, a handful of Juniors, and a couple of Seniors.

The room is lit up with lights on low. In the center of the room is a dance floor. In each corner a tower of neon balloons arc up and are tied to the ceiling. Around the dance floor tables are lined up. In the far back corner there is a small buffet of pizza, soda, and snacks. Floating near by is the DJ booth playing the newest hits.

 Floating near by is the DJ booth playing the newest hits

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