Chapter 32- They aren't there

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I got out of the hospital a week ago and have been keeping myself busy. I haven't seen Laurence at all being in the hospital and when I got out. He agreed to do the song though so I wont be seeing him until Friday the day before the wedding.

Since the hospital thing I've been sneaking some stuff from this kid Ein. I pay him ten bucks and he brings me a bottle of booze. So far no one knows. It seems like it's the only thing that helps me. No need for anyone to know.

I'm sitting in my room on my bed writing the song for us. The wedding is supposed to be modernish. I have the first few lyrics written down for the duet.

I don't wanna be left behind
Distance was a friend of mine
Catching breath in a web of lies
I've spent most of my life
Riding waves, playing acrobat
Shadowboxing the other half
Learning how to react
I've spent most of my time.

It's what Laurence is going to sing so far. I have my guitar out that I got when I was 10. Lesley had brought it to me when I was in the hospital. I strum a few cords and sing the lyrics I have so far. "I don't wanna be left behind,Distance was a friend of mine, Catching breath in a web of lies, I've spent most of my life, Riding waves, playing acrobat, Shadowboxing the other half, Learning how to react, I've spent most of my time..." I stop strumming and think of some lyrics. It doesn't fit my voice. I think for a moment. "Catching my breath, letting it go, Turning my cheek for the sake of this show, Now that you know, this is my life, I won't be told what's supposed to be right! C-c-catch my breath, no one can hold me back, I ain't got time for that, C-c-catch my breath, won't let them get me down, it's all so so simple now!"

"Addicted to the love I found, Heavy heart, now a weightless cloud, Making time for the ones that count, I'll spend the rest of my time, Laughing hard with the windows down, Leaving footprints all over town, Keeping faith, Karma comes around, I will spent the rest of my life!" I turn to the door and see the one and only Laurence. "It sounds great."

"With the help of your lyrics ya..." I say with a sad smile. I turn and look at the window and see her. Shes crouched looking at me holding a knife in her left hand. Lightning flashes and in an instant shes gone. I scream and grab the blanket I have next to me over my head.

"Y/N hey whats wrong?"

"S-Shes out there! She's going to kill me!"

"Who's out there?"

"Michi! and no doubt Gene is too."

"Y/N their gone..."

"No their there I saw them! Their everywhere!"

The blanket is lifted up and I'm facing Laurence looking deep in to his ocean blue eyes.

"I would never let them hurt you."

"You already have..." I say looking away.

"What do you mean?"
(Seriously I might as well just rename the book)

"Every time they come it's because of you. Michi is jealous, and Gene is using me to get to you..."


"The last thing they told me is that I would pay. You have always been the reason they have been after me."

"Y/N...I have failed to protect the one I love the most..."

"This wasn't the first time I've seen them either... Laurence."

"Y/N their both gone."

"Do you think I don't know that!? Everytime I feel alone and see them I tell myself They're not there! But Laurence they are! They might not be there to you, but their there for me..."

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