Chapter 31- Death almost?

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You might need tissues...

~Your POV~

I wake up again and stare at the ceiling. I can't help but notice a small brown leave like stain on the ceiling.

"Your awake." A voice on my left says. I turn and see Gene.

"Y-Ya I guess I am."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better I want to leave." I look around the room. "Wait where did Laurence go?"

"What do you mean?"

"He was here before."

"No he wasn't I was the only one here."

"O-Oh...Is my mom here?"

"She was a while ago, but she left to go take care of a few things. Travis is here though in the waiting room."

"Oh ok."

"You don't seem to happy."

"I was just in an accident."

"I know."

I look around and see a few envelopes on my side table. "What are these?"

"Probably cheesy get well cards."

I pick them up and go through them. One from everyone? Garroth, Dante, Soph, Katelyn, Jamie, Jax, Leo, Maria, Abby, Mike, Steven, Anne, Mom, Travis, Cadenza, Nichole, Aphmau, and LAURENCE??!!

I quickly pick that one up and open it.

I quickly pick that one up and open it

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"Gene? Didn't you say Laurence wasn't here?"

"Ya he wasn't" I study his face. I see a small amount of guilt go through his eyes.

"You wouldn't lie to me would you?"

"No of course not." There it is I saw it.

"Why'd you lie?" I snap.

"What do you mean?"

"Laurence was here I saw him, and he left a note! You lied to me Gene!"

"Fine I did ok!"

"Why'd you do it?"

"Because Laurence is a bad influence."

"Fuck off."


"You heard me!" I take a deep breath and look at him with a slight glare. "I stood up for you. I told Laurence you can't judge someone so quickly exspecially if you don't even know them!"

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now