Chapter 29- Hurtful Words

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We pulled up to my house and I got out. "Thanks Katelyn!"

"No problem! See ya Y/N!"

"See ya!"

I walk inside and see mom coming down the stairs. "Hey Y/N can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yeah I was going to put my stuff upstairs in my room. We can talk there if you want."

"Yes that would probably be best."

She turns around and walks back up the stairs and so do I. I get half way up the stairs before my ears start to ring and I fall down almost falling down the stairs before mom catches me. She helps me up to my room and I sit down on the bed.

M- Enki Y- You

M- Are you ok?

Y- Ya I'm fine. What did you want to talk about?

M- I need you and L-a-u-r-e-n-c-e to help me with a project.

Y- L-a-u-r-e-n-c-e is (cook but right hand is in 'L' shape)

M- Right

Y- So this project...

M- I need two singers to sing a duet for a wedding

Y- Who's wedding?

M- Her name is Anne and her fiance's name is Steven

Y- Steven from D.A.N.C.E and Anne from the hospital?

M- Yes

Y- Ok? Laurence and I aren't exactly on speaking terms...

M- Oh ok I just thought I would ask since you could pick up some extra cash.

Y- Cash you say?

M- Yes cash

Y- Where do I sign up?

M- Hold on shouldn't you ask Laurence?

Y- Yeah I guess your right can you do that? Thanks!

I get up and start putting the stiff in my bag away. I feel mom pull my shoulder slightly.

M- I don't know the details but I know you two are really close go talk to him

Y- Can I bring Sophie or Jamie?

M- Can Sophie sign?

Y- No

M- Ask Jamie then

Y- Ok. Where are the keys?

M- Should you be driving like this?

I feel a little hurt.

Y- It's not like I'm blind...

M- Honey that's not what I meant.

Y- I'm just going to go I'll be back soon.

~Play Music~

I walk out of my room with my purse and walk down stairs and grab the keys. I walk outside to the car and get in. I slowly turn on the road and make my way to Jamie's. I let my thoughts go through my head.

"M- I don't know the details but I know you two are really close go talk to him"

"L-Who's William!?
Y- No one🙂
Y- Jealous?
L- Me? No!
Y- Right...
L- I miss you❤
Y- I miss you to❤"

"He starts to sing. As he gets farther into the song he talks about a castle on a hill. Then I remembered back when we where at HAC there was a castle nearby that we would go and watch the sunset. There he would sing and I would dance around. Is he singing about me?"

""Leave us alone, or so help me I will break your hand fourteen different ways and shove it up where the sun don't shine!"

"Y/N what happened to you? Why are you hanging out with the jerk I told you not to?!"

"Because Laurence you DON'T control my life!"

"Y/N your better than this!"

"I'm better than this!? Your the one who's better than this!"

"What do you mean?!"

"I mean we where best friends growing up! I liked you! Then to find out you liked Aphmau! You wouldn't stop talking about her and you still don't!" I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Y/N It's not like it was so easy for me!"

"What's not easy? All the girls lining up to be your date to prom?"

"Y/N we should go." Gene says grabbing my hand.

"Y/N" Laurence says with sadness flowing through his eyes."

"M- Should you be driving like this?
I feel a little hurt.
Y- It's not like I'm blind...
M- Honey that's not what I meant.
Y- I'm just going to go I'll be back soon."

""Look I know your mad at me, but mom told me I have to protect you bullies and all. That's what I'm trying to do protect you from a bully."

I shoot up in my bed. "Get out." I say flattly.

"Y/N I-"

"Get the fuck out of my room!"

"Fine whatever.""

""Nothing. I was hanging out with a friend that's all."

"Gene a friend? He's only 'friends' with someone he wants to use and the SKs."

"Well he's my friend! He might even be more than that! Here's the funny thing though! You saw me at Starbucks! You knew how much it hurts me when it comes to Laurence! But when I left you didn't follow me! You didn't even ask if I was ok! You just sat with your stupid buddies and did nothing! And when I break down in the park no one was there! But guess who sat down to help the orphan? Gene! The one you say is the 'Big Bad Wolf'! Maybe you should get your facts straight about shit before you come accusing me of hanging out with 'bullies'! So back the fuck off!" I yell. I look into his eyes and see hurt.

"Y/N what happened to you?"

"I grew to be a person that doesn't rely on others shit!""

What have I done!? All he does is care about me and I just go and stab him in the back! All I ever do is hurt him, his friends, my new family...

I start to tear up. What have I done? I continue to drive and stop at a stop sign. Off to the right there's a bus getting picking up people. I start to drive and stop in the middle of the road when my head spins and I hear a high pitched squeal.

I hear honking and when I turn it's to late.

~Laurence s POV~


I run over to her car and pull the mostly broken door of her car and pull her out.

A girl with Pink hair and golden eyes runs out of the bus and over to me.

"I'll call 911!" She yells pulling out her phone.

Stay with me Y/N come on stay with me!

Hope you all enjoyed? What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? What do you think of this chapter? Comment what you think!

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