Chapter 18- Honest

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On the couch laying down. Can't sit up. Can't move. I can only move to go to the bathroom. To make matters worse I have to have someone make sure I'm not getting up at all times. So mom got one of those things that set off an alarm when you get off of them.

Can I not be trusted? You know what don't awnser that.

I'm sitting and staring at the ceiling in the dark. Same old empty feeling in my heart. Ok I'll stop quoting songs now, but literally it's what it's like.

Travis is sitting on the other side of the L shape couch watching some weird TV show. I'm sitting and waiting for him to go to bed to get up. After what seems like hours he finally goes upstairs to his room.

Great now I can get up. I reach behind me and turn off the beeping thing and stand up. I go and sit in the wheelchair. I'm done. I wheel myself to the back porch and look up at the sky.

Why is it that I always feel alone in this world? I feel like the sun, not big and gassy, but alone and far. I know I have Travis and I guess Laurence, but Katelyn and the others are keeping their distance from me.

Why me? Why is it every time I get close to people they end up having me in the end?

I stare at the sky and see a shooting star. I quickly make a wish. I wish I could finally feel like I fit in. The star passes and I just breathe deep.

The air is cold and crisp getting colder. Leaves are slowly starting to change from green to orange. I hear the crickets near by chirping their song. In the distance I hear sirens. Normal for this area. I sit out there for an hour before I go back inside.

I turn on a song and get up out of the chair and slowly dance.

I finish dancing and the song ends. I'm out of breath and I sit on the couch. I start to cry softly.

~Play Song~

"You know you aren't supposed to be up right?"

I turn and see Laurence. "What are you doing here?"

"Travis didn't trust you to be left alone and I can see why."

"Dance is my life I can't just give it up like that."

"Yes, but you need to give it up for a while. You can't risk dieing."

"Dancing won't kill me, doing nothing will."

"Y/N...I get it you don't like it, but you have to or you could risk never dancing or living again."

"This all happened because if Michi, Ivy,"

"How is it my fault?"

"I was doing it all to get to you."

"Y/N why?"

"Because I forgot how big of a player you where." I sit in the wheelchair and roll out to the back.

Laurence quickly follows behind me. "You can't just put that on me Y/N."

"I can. It's all true! If I didn't fall in love again like I promised myself none of this would have ever happened."


"No Laurence I'm done. I can't risk being hurt."

"Y/N are we..."

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now