Chapter 39- The End (Part 1)

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Hey Weirdos! In this chapter it is May 29th. Now I wont say much of what happened from November 19th to now, because that is another story😉

Now on with the story! (PLAY SONG)

I sit in my room staring at the wall contemplating my life when Travis walks in.

"Hey Y/N mom wants you to go with her for her surgery." He says with a frown.

"Wh- Oh right ya. Tell her I'll be down in a minute."

Travis walks out and closes my door. I quickly grab my purse and leather jacket and quickly walk downstairs.

I look in the front yard to see my mom holding her stomach. "We have to go now." She says calmly, yet frantic. As I open the door.

I look at her and notice all the signs that her water broke. I grab my keys off the hook by the door and run to the car.

I unlock it and help her into the car. She buckles up and I get into the drivers seat.

I drive fast and quick to the hospital. My mother in the front seat breathing heavy. Her stomach big, but just looks like she gained a few pounds more than anything.

"Y/N?" She asks looking at me.

"Yeah mom?"

"We need to talk about the fututre..." She says between deep breathing.


"No listen. I already have an apartment ready for you, the babies, and a friend."


"It's all in Okasis. I want you to stay there until you're  ready to face your brother."

"What do you mean?"

" l mean he can't know that the lottle one," She points to her stomach, "Is his sibling. I want you to stay as far away as you can until your ready to face him." She says looking down.

"What do I say about you? You know the whole," I pause trying to swallow the lump in my throat, " dying thing..." I ask tears threatening to fall.

"It will be ok. I already talked to my doctor, and he is going to tell Travis that I passed during a surgery."


"It will be ok Y/N I have a feeling you will be ok. I know about the stuff going on with your friends,  and I think getting away will do you all some good."

I quickly look at her. "I guess you're right." I say turning back to the road.

"All of the stuff you need to know is in this envelope." She hands me an orange envelope, "You are going to have to pack your important things to bring with you. And you dont have to worry about Travis, since I made sure he was going to be at school." She looks at me.

"I hate to see you go." I say tears going down my face.

"I'll be ok. I want you to drop me off at the front, and I need you to go and pack your stuff. Can you do that?" She says looking at me.

"Yeah I can do that." I say sniffling.

"Good." We pull up to the hospital and nurses run out to help her. She hugs me one last time before she goes in. "I love you Y/N Valkrum."

"I love you too mom." I say with a sad smile.

I watch her walk in a nurse at both sides. I open the envilope and see a few white envelopes with diffrent times on it. I open the one that says now on it.

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