Chapter 40- The End (Part 2)

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I prepare myself before hitting the buttom for the third floor. I take a deep breath. Ready.

The elevator opens and I step out onto the 3rd floor. I see a desk right there and on both sides are locked doors. I walk up to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see Enki Valkrum. I'm her daughter Y/N" I say to the man.

He pushes a botton and the door on the right opens. "Thank you." I say quickly.

I walk into the hall to be greated with room 1D. I walk until I find 9D. I brace myself for anything.

I open the door to see mom lying on the bed with her legs spread and knees apart. She is breathing heavy, face red.

A female doctor stands at the end of the bed waiting for the next contraction. The doctor stands there telling her to take deep breaths.

I look around the room seeing everything normal except for a baby car seat. The room is lit up by the cloud covered sun shining through the window to my left. The bed is white with a blue blanket over my moms legs. Machines run frim both sides of her into her arms.

I walk into the room and shut the door. She doesnt notice me until I walk over to her and hold her hand. She squeezes it. As if on cue Mom yells and the doctor tells her to push.

"There's the head." The doctor says.

The doctor looks up at my mom and notices her face is going from red to white. The doctor freaks out and goes to the intercom.

"We have a 33 in progress! I repeat 33 in progress. Room 9D is in need of assistance!" She shouts pressing a button.

I look at my mom and see her breathing less. "Mom come on you can do this." I say with tears.

She looks at me. "Take care of her."

The doctor comes over and puts something in her IV. "All we need is one more contraction Enki." The doctor says calmly.

Mom screams and the doctor yells at her to push. Another doctor runs in to help the delivery. Mom squeezes my hand as hard as she can, before she releases suddenly.  The flatline going off, and the cring of a newborn baby girl.

I lean over my mom and cry. I'm almost immediately pished out of the way by doctors trying to revive her.

I cry by the window next to the baby seat. I look at my knees listening to the world around me.

"Charged." I hear a young woman say.

"Clear!" I hear the vibration of the machine and the clunk.

The people repeat the sequince 3 more times before the male calls it. "12:04." He says with little breath.

I hear a small wail from the little girl in the corner. "Ms.Valkrum." The doctor who delivered the baby says rubbing my back. "Your baby girl would love to meet her mother."

I look at here tears in my eyes. "Is she going to be ok?" I ask in a whisper.

"We have to run a few tests, but right now she looks healthy." She says with a smile.

I stand uo and walk over to the little crib. "She is a little pale, so I have to already watch the nutrients intake. Her breathing seems normal." I grab a stethoscope and place it gently on her chest. "Her heart rate is a little high. Which is not something too troubleing." I say.

"You know alot about babies." The doctor says.

"I worked at a nursery until I was 5 months." I say looking down at my stomach.

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