Chapter 7-Travis Meet The Concrete

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I looked at Laurence. He was wearing a white shirt with a dark blue over coat. He was wearing brown leather fingerless gloves. He had on long dark pants and Brown boots. (His Outfit From MCD) He looked out at the ocean.


"Y/N? I thought you died!"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw Sasha kill you!"

"Who is Sasha?"

"Y/N what do you mean who is Sasha? She's your sister!"

"I don't have a sister."

The next thing he does surprises me. He grabs a sword and stabs me in the stomach. I cant breathe. I fall to the ground with a thud.

"I knew you weren't her. You're sick!" he says as he stabs me again. I scream out in pain. He stabs me again this time I don't scream, I don't move, I only lay there grasping on to life as long as I can. Aphmau runs up behind Laurence. She laughs and grabs out a sword and stabs me one last time.

End of Dream

I wake up in a cold sweat. I look around. I see Laurence laying on the other side of the L shaped couch, Travis and Katelyn are on the ground sharing a blanket. I grab my phone and snap a picture.

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I look at the time it's 5:00AM. I don't think I can fall asleep again. I walk behind the couch to a bean bag. I sit there and cry to myself. I cry until I feel arms wrap around me. I look up and see Laurence. I cuddle into his chest. We sat there for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Laurence asks after a while.

"Y-you k-killed m-me!" I say in between sobs.

"Why would I do that?"

"Y-you t-told me I w-was a f-fake!"

"You are not fake."

"I-I am t-to! Y-you don't know what I've-"

I was interrupted by him kissing me. I slowly kiss back. It was long and passionate. My hands reached up to his head. I ran my finger through his hair. His hands went down to my thighs. We kissed until we had to breathe. We placed our heads against each other, foreheads touching.


"I'm so sorry Y/N!"

"Laurence no it's ok."

"Are you sure?"

"Laurence. It's fine I promise!"


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