Chapter 14- Death Almost?

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Sorry guys Wattpad is being glitchy on this book but here is the chapter again.

Previously on  Why Me:

"Hello there. Sir I'm afraid visiting hours are over."

"Can he stay with me please?"

"What is his relationship to you?"

"She's my girlfriend."

My face heats up. "Is this true Ms.Valkrum?"

"Y-yes it is."

"Ok you two. Sleep well Y/N I'll be by at 2:00 to give you your medicine."

"Thanks Shelly!" After I was sure she was gone I look over to Laurence who has a giant smirk on his face. "Why'd you say that?"

"Say what?"

"Saying I was your girlfriend!" I whisper yell.

"Because do you really think she would have let me stay if I told her I was a friend?"

"No but-"

"And I didn't get the chance to ask you before she walked in."

"Ask me what?"

"Ask you if you would be my girlfriend, so Y/N M/N L/N Valkrum will you be my girlfriend?"



"Laurence...I promised myself never to love again. I can't risk being hurt or hurting someone. Laurence I'm afraid to Love."

"Y/N I promise I won't hurt you, and you could never hurt me I promise. I'll be here every step of the way. I love you Y/N and nothing will ever change that."



"Then yes Laurence I will be your girlfriend."

He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back melting inti the kiss. We stop and I lean on his chest and fall asleep.

~Laurence s POV~

She fell asleep in my arms. I let her like there for a while before I move to the chair. I grab a spare blanket and wrap it around me. I scoot the chair up close to the bed and lean my head on her arm holding her hand in mine.

"I love you Y/N." After that I fall asleep.

~Ze Time Skipe/ Play Song~~

I wake up to nurses yelling and a doctor pushing me out of the way. Y/N is on the bed seizing.

"What's happening!?" I yell trying to get to Y/N.

"Not now kid we need you to leave!" The doctor says.

"Please she's my girlfriend!"

"Kid out go let us work!" A nurse grabs my arm and pulls me out to the waiting room.

"Please you have to save her."

"We're doing our best, but at the moment it is better if you stay out here."

By this point I'm crying. "Please..."

~Dr.Doctor POV(Didn't see the coming did you?)~

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now