Chapter 12- Jealousy

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I wake up to my alarm going off across the room. Why is it across the room you ask? Because if it was next to me it would be broken within seconds. I walk over and turn it off. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I blow dry my hair and quickly put on short jean shorts and a black T-shirt that shows one shoulder. I then grab a small silver over the shoulder purse. I then put my hair in a messy bun and run down the stairs. No one else is awake. I grab an apple from the counter. I walk down the street to Garroth's house. I knock on the door. He immediately awnsers.

"Shh. My little brothers are still asleep."

"Oh sorry about that."

"It's quite alright. Shall we get going?" He pulls keys out of his pocket.

"Let's go!"

We walk and get in his truck. We get in and he turns on the radio. We start dancing to every song and sing the songs at the top of our lungs. When we finally pull up to the park people are setting up their booths, and the rides. We got out and walked to the main stage.

"Ahh Y/N Garroth your here!" Steven says walking up to us. "We will be having one last rehearsal before the show so go get on stage!"

Garroth and I walk on stage and start dancing with the others. When I look out I see Laurence kiss Aphmau. It hurts I notice Garroth saw it to. He looked pissed. We finish the dance and go back stage to get hair and makeup done. Once we're done we get into costume this will be fun! We wait around practicing back stage a bit waiting for them to announce our performance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls! Welcome to the Back To School Festival! Today we have very special guests with us! I'm here to announce Discover And Never Ceasing Energy Studios or D.A.N.C.E Studios! Today they will be performing a dance with their best Dancers Y/N Valkrum and Garroth Ro'mave, choreographed by Steven and his wife! Get ready cause here they come!" The announcer says.

I get into place and look out at the audience. I see everyone I know and have met. Even Mom took off work to see me. Garroth and I get into position and the music starts.

(Garroth is the main guy and your the main girl)

At the end Garroth kissed me. That wasn't in the original choreography, but the audience loved it. I look deep into Garroth's blue eyes. We both turn to the audience and bow. We then walk back stage. I look behind me real quick at the audience. Travis looks mad, Katelyn is going to kill someone, Laurence looks between mad and hurt, and my mom looks suprised? I don't know what to think.

"Why did you kiss me?"


"And what reasons are those?"

"I saw you where hurt when you saw Laurence and Aph kissing, and I was too. I thought you would want revenge so I kissed you."

"So it was for revenge?"



"It seems the audience wants another performance! Well everyone o welcome to the stage Laurence Zvhal!" The announcer says.

"Wait what?"

"This song goes out to a close friend of mine, who I couldn't help but fall in love with." Laurence says getting on stage.

(Play Song)

He starts to sing. As he gets farther into the song he talks about a castle on a hill. Then I remembered back when we where at HAC there was a castle nearby that we would go and watch the sunset. There he would sing and I would dance around. Is he singing about me?

(Listen to the rest of the song.)

He finished the song and bows. "Thank you!"

He walks back stage and sees me sitting in a ball by the costume rack leaning against the back of the stage. He walked up to me. I tried my best to hold back tears.

"Watching the sunset over the castle on the hill?"

"Just like we did when we where kids."

"When you would sing and I would dance around."

"Ya. I-"

He was cut off by Aphmau coming up and hugging him. "Laurence The song! It was amazing. I loved our date to that castle on the hill!"

I looked at him. He scratched the back of his neck. I held back tears. I saw Garroth walking by. I ran up to him.

"Oh hey Y/N."

"Hey Garroth! Can you do something for me?"

"Sure anything what is it?"

~Laurence POV~

I look over at where Y/N was. She was gone I looked around and saw her talking to Garroth. Then I saw it. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her close she wrapped her arms around his neck, and they kissed. When the stopped I heard Y/N giggle. Garroth grabbed her hand and pulled her out to the fair. What the hell is he doing!? I take that back I expected it from Garroth, but Y/N she wouldn't do that. Unless....No....She doesn't....does she?


Garroth pulled me in and kissed me. Once released I let out a giggle loud enough for Laurence to hear. Garroth took my hand as planned and pulled me to the festival. I knew Laurence was watching the whole time, and I knew it would make him jealous. That was until we got to the festival and ran into a girl with magenta hair.

"Why did you kiss my Gareth!?" She yelled in my face. Garroth had gone into the bathroom before she came over.

"One your Garroth? Two who the hell are you? And Three he kissed me!"

"Ya right this is your only warning slut!" She punched me in the stomach. "Toodaloo!" She then walked of into the crowd.

I was now on the ground holding my stomach. I started to stand up. I fell imedietly to the ground. I looked up and saw a purple haired meif'wa with green eyes.

"I saw you looking at my Laurence Nya~ Stay away or Michi will make you wish you where never born Nya~ Along with Aphmau!" She punched me in the face and started to kick me.

I felt the world around me go cold then all I saw was black. I heard a few voices. "That's what you get slut!" "Stay away from Laurence Nya~" "Y/N are you ok!? Wake up! please wake up!" After that it went dead silent.

Hope you liked this! I'm sick at the moment with the flu. Ugh I hate it! Anyways What do you think will happen to you\Y/N?

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