Chapter 5- Garroth has two left feet

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The Next day:

I woke up and was ready to go. My room was empty and I put my suit cases I had yet to unpack in the corner by the bed. I took a shower and blow dried my H/L H/C hair. I put on some make up and got dressed in a white tank top, a red long sleeve checker jacket, blue skinny jeans, and brown healed boots. (Pic below) I made sure everything was cleared in my room. I ran to Travis room and walked in. He was sitting at his desk on the computer.

 He was sitting at his desk on the computer

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"Havent you heard of knocking?" he asked not looking away from his computer.

"I need your portable wireless speaker."

"Witch one?"

"The black one."

"Top shelf." he pointed to a shelf that reached the ceiling.

"I cant reach that!"

He stood up from his desk and went to the shelf. he pulled something from his bed frame. He pulled out some stairs. "Here ya go!"

"Seriously!?" I went up the stairs and grabbed the speaker. "Thanks Travis! I'll bring it back when I'm done with it." I walked out of his room and back to mine. i put the speaker on the bed and synced to my phone. I sat and listened to some pandora. I heard the door bell. Mom was out and it was just me and Travis.

"Y/N can you answer the door!?"


"Don't make me get Katelyn and Laurence!"

"I don't care!" I listened I could here Travis talking. "Fine I'll get it!" I walked out of my room and down the stairs. The door bell rang again. "Coming!" I opened the door and saw Garroth. "You're early!"

"And you're yelling."

"Sorry. I was yelling at Travis earlier."

"Makes sense that happens alot."

"Yea it does. So we good working in my room? It dosent have any furniture."

"Ya sounds good."

We walked up to my room.

"You where not kidding when you said you didn't have furniture."

"Ya. IKEA is dropping stuff of on Monday. I still need to paint."

"Monday? That's three days away."

"Ya. I know."

"Who is helping paint?"

"I was gonna see if Katelyn, Travis, and Laurence wanted to."


"Well we should work on our dance."

~Two hours later~

"No it's left left right!" I yelled at Garroth. We've been practicing for two hours and so far I have three bruises and a broken nail.

"I thought it was left right left!"

"Here lets start from the beginning." I say we get into position and I start the song. We danced until Garroth had to lift me up and he dropped me. "OW!" I hit my head on the wall.

"Y/N I am SO sorry!" He ran up to me.

"You know what I think thats enough practicing for today."

"Ya. Probably a good idea." 

He helped me up off the floor. We walked out to the kitchen. Travis was making a sandwich. I went to the freezer and grabbed a bag of frozen peas and put it on my head.

"What happened to you?" Travis asked looking at the bag of peas.

"I have two left feet." Garroth says looking at the ground.

Travis looks at me. "Explanation please."

I look at him. "Like he was saying he has two left feet. At D.A.N.C.E we have to do a duet dance. Garroth asked me to be his partner, so we are upstairs practicing and he dropped me and I hit my head on the wall."

"Seriously Garroth?"

Garroth took a step back, "Ya..."

"Don't kill him Travis. Garroth I'm fine. Just a few scrapes and bruises." I say.

"You sure you're ok?" Garroth asks.

"Yes! I'm fine!" I say.

"You sure? Your head is bleeding!" Travis says with a worried look.

"What!?" I touched my head and looked at my fingers. Blood dripped from my fingers. "Ow." I mumbled. Then everything went dark.

Garroth POV

It's all my fault. If I didnt drop her this wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault!

Travis POV

Y/N passed out. Lucky us Laurence walked up behind her when she passed out, and he caught her before she hit the ground.

"What the hell happened!" Laurence yells picking Y/N up in his arms bridal style.

"I have two left feet." Garroth says. 

I glare at him. "We need to get her to the hospital!"

Laurence carried her to his car. He tossed me the keys. "You drive I'll sit in the back and have Y/N lay across the back seat." I nodded and got in the driver seat. Garroth sat next to me, and Laurence sat in the back. He lied Y/N's head in his lap. We drove to the hospital. Garroth texted the group what was going on.

We pulled up to the hospital and Laurence got out and carried her into the emergency room. The nurse saw Y/N and imedietly started shouting numbers into a phone. Another nurse lead us to a room where Laurence put Y/N down on the bed and a doctor ran in. He went to Y/N and checked her pulse. He mumbled something, and called to a nurse. The nurse came in and dragged Y/N away. We tried to follow, but the doctor stopped us.

"I have to go with my sister!"

"I'm sorry sir I cant let you." The doctor said.


"I'm sorry she is going to get a CT scan. You can wait in this room for her return." The doctor said walking out.

We all sat down. I have to call mom. I grabbed out my phone and walked out side and called her.

Y/N POV/ Time Skip

I woke up in a hospital bed. I looked around I saw Laurence sitting by the window on my left looking out. On my right Travis had his head on the bed. No one else was in there. I moved and felt a pull on my arm and see and IV. "Ow." I squeak quietly. Laurence turns and sees my eyes half open.

"Y/N don't move." he said rushing over to me. By this time Travis was looking at me.

"I'll get the doctor!" Travis says running out of the room.

I looked at Laurence who was now sitting on the bed holding my hand. "What happened?" I ask.

"Garroth has two left feet." Laurence replied.

"Garroth has two left feet." I repeated.


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