Chapter 9- Never Learns

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After Katelyn killed Travis for the fifth time today the IKEA truck with my stuff showed up. Alot if it was purple. Travis and Laurence where currently moving the bed around.

"Over there!" I say pointing to the corner. The boys lift the bed and carry it to where I pointed.

"Wait what if you put it over there?" Katelyn asks pointing to the other side of the room.

"Hmm. Let's try it!" The boys groan and take it across the room.

"Na it doesn't look right." Katelyn says.

"Ya. Hmm maybe over there?" I day pointing.

"MAKE UP YOUR MIND!" Travis yells.

"Fine! Tight there then!" I say pointing.

"FINALLY!" Travis groans. They carry the bed over to where I pointed.

We continued moving things around the room and organizing. While the boys where hanging paintings I decided to finally unpack my suitcases. I walked to the closet and started to hang my clothes up. There weren't alot of outfits, but they where enough. After a while I got to the suitcase with my photos. I take a look at a few.

 I take a look at a few

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I remember that day it was great. I had just met Jamie and we instantly clicked. I turn a few more pages.

 I turn a few more pages

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I remember we took this after we won. I also remember right after that I hung out with Laurence. I smile looking back at the memories. I'm glad that Jamie has stayed with me for so long. I walk over to the newly built bookshelves and put my photo books and my other books on the shelves. I look in the corner and see Laurence putting together a desk. I see Katelyn putting up curtains while Travis stares at her butt. I don't feel like I'm helping do I go downstairs and grab four cans of Arizona sweet tea and take it back upstairs. I hand out a can yo everyone and we stop to take a break.

"I'm so tired!" Travis says laying down on my bed.

"Same dude. I don't think I can hammer another nail!"(Get your head out of the gutter) Laurence days leaning against the wall.

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