Chapter 3- Explaination

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Heads up this chapter gets a bit depressing.

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I woke up on the black leather couch. I sat up and looked at the floor. Laurence, Travis, Enki, Katelyn, and I. Everyone else must have left. I stared at the dark hard wood floor. Lesley told me I had to tell them. I guess now I have too. I look up at everyone. Travis and Enki where on either side of me. Laurence sat in the the chair next to Travis and Katelyn sat in the chair next to Enki.

"Hun what's going on?" Enki asks.

I stay silent. Travis puts his hand on my knee. I sniff trying to hold back tears.

I sigh. "When I was born my family moved into a house. My mom owned a dance school and my dad was a coach. When I was 5 my family was happy we had a good house, good money, and my mom was pregnant. She was three months pregnant when she found out she had cancer." A tear fell from my eye. " About four months later she died, along with the baby. It was three days after my birthday." Tears rolled down my face. "A while after like three months we got in the car and we drove. My dad went to a bar and left me in the car alone, with strangers passing by stareing in the window. After a while my dad came out drunk, and stumbled into the front seat. We drove for a while when he stopped in an intersection." By this time I couldn't see anything. "A semi truck hit the driver side killing him in an instant. I was knocked out, in a comma for months. I had 7 surgeries. One of them for my head. A giant piece of glass went into my head." I part my hair so they can see the scar." The doctors thought I was gonna die. I was so beaten up three broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, whip lash and a few other things. I was in the hospital for months. I was let out two days before my birthday. I had almost fully healed. I had just two scars one on my head and one in my head. After a while I had started to get head aches and periods of times where I couldn't hear. The doctors told me it was because of my head injury." I stopped talking and looked at Laurence. He gave me a soft, yet warm smile.

"So how do you know Laurence?" Travis asks.

I look at Laurence and he nods. "When I was at Hope... I was 7 and I had just go to Hope. I was in the main room, and I sat there crying in a bean bag. When I felt a tap on my shoulder. At first I didn't respond, but this 8 year old boy grabbed me into his arms and let me cry in his shoulder." I smile a little at the memory. "If I remember correctly we fell asleep in those bean bags."

I look at Laurence,"We did. We sat there and you fell asleep in my arms. I kept telling you everything would be alright." I smile.

"So what's the story about your hands?" Katelyn asks.

Well when we had it where I would go deaf no one knew what to do, so Lesley and Laurence learned how to sign. It's called ALS or American Sign Laungage. We learned how to sign and Laurence and Lesley would translate for me."

"Why didn't you just talk and have him write down what they said?" Enki asks.

"Well I couldn't hear myself. I would think what I was going to say, but it was hard to tell what I was saying. That and I would go between yelling and whispering."

" Makes sense." Travis says.

" So now that we know what is going on we can learn how to sign!" Katelyn says.

Y- You and Enki can learn, but don't tell Travis. Let's keep him in the dark tell secrets without him knowing!

Enki giggles.

" What did you say?" Asks Katelyn.

" I'll text you!" Laurence says chuckling and pulling out his phone.

" Hey I wanna know!" Travis yells.

" Nope! You will never know!" I say with a giggle.

" Why not?" He whines.

" Because it's a secret!"

After a while Katelyn and Laurence left. Enki was in the kitchen cooking lasagna, Travis was in his room watching how to sign for beginners. I walked into the kitchen with Enki.

"Hey Enki?"

"Y/N you can call me mom if you'd like."

"Oh ok. summer is over in a week and I wanted to know if I'll be going to school with Travis or if I'll be home schooled again?"

"Oh well I was going to have you try going to Phoenix Drop for the first trimester and if you don't like it we can have you switched back to homeschooling."

"Ya that sounds good!"

"So I know you dance so when do you have practice?"

"I have it tomorrow. The schedule though is Monday, Wednesday, Friday three to six."

"Perfect! Travis has Acting Classes from four to six. So I can pick you up, then him."


We continued to talk. It was nice. We ate dinner. After dinner Enki I mean mom and I did the dishes while Travis cleaned the table. It's nice being apart of an actual family again. After we cleaned up we watched Switched at Birth. It was so funny because Travis couldn't figure out how to get the subtitles to come on so I had to translate what they said. En-Mom could tell what they where saying though. After that we got ready for bed. I put on a PJ shirt that said "I only wake up for breakfast" and matching shorts. (Pic Below) I brushed my teeth and my H/C hair, removed my make up, and looked down at the cuts on my arms. I won't do it again. I put on some antibiotic ointment on my cuts and bandages.

(Again I do NOT own this Pic!)

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(Again I do NOT own this Pic!)

I walk to the corner of the plain room to the bed and fell asleep.

Laurence s POV

Today was crazy. After I left I walked in to the house and Cadenza bombarded me with questions.

"What happened? Is she ok? How do you know her? Where where you?" She asked following me to my room. I explain everything while picking up my room. "Oh so you knew her when you where little, She has temporary deafness, and you went to the park to think?"

"Yup" I say brushing my teeth.

"Ok" she walks out of my room. Finally.

I get into green checkered PJ pants. I lay down in the bed. I can't help thinking why she didn't tell me. Does she not trust me? No she does she wouldn't have told me about her getting adopted. Ugh. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A/N Hey guys I have decided that I am going to post randomly but I will post weekly! I just might add a few bonus chapters here and there.

Song: Sad Song By: We The Kings

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