Chapter 16- Freedom

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~1 week later~

"I'm free!" I say as Laurence puts me in a wheelchair.

"Not quite we still have to check you out."

"No screw checking me out! Let's get out of this hell hole!"

"That's kinda not allowed."

"Travis tell Laurence I need to leave or I will die!"

"Sorry sis I have to agree with Laurence on this."


"Sorry N/N."

"Ugh! Hurry please the quicker the better!"


"Finally let's goooooooo!" I say trying to wheel myself away, but I fail. The wheelchair won't move. Not even an inch!

"Umm Y/N?" Travis says.

"What Travis can't you see I'm trying to escape!?"

"Umm yes I can. I can also see your failing miserably."

"What makes you say that?"

"The brakes are on." Katelyn giggles.

"What!?" I look down. Sure enough they where. "Ooooh. Wait! How did dis happen?"

"I put them on so you wouldn't try to leave while I signed you out." Laurence says chuckling.

"Grrrr." I take off the brakes and roll away to freedom. "Freeeeedom!" I shout when I'm out of the building.

"Some one is definitely not excited." Laurence says pulling out his keys.

"Race ya!" I say popping a wheelie and rolling over to Laurence's car that's in the parking lot.

"Not fair you have wheels!" I hear Katelyn yell from behind me.

"Not my fault I can't walk for two weeks!" I shout back. I get to the car and the guys are already there. "How did you guys get here already!?"

"Magic!" Travis says waving his hands in the shape of a rainbow.

"Magic my butt." Katelyn says. The guys help me get in the car while Katelyn puts the wheelchair in the back of the car.

We ride to a nearby Dairy King to get ice cream. We end up going through the drive thru. "What does everyone want?" Laurence asks pulling up to the giant menu.

"Cookie dough blizzard!" Katelyn yells.

"Vanilla Chocolate swirl!" Travis yells.

"I want (whatever you want) please." I say quietly almost a whisper.

"Coming up!" We wait for the car in front of us to order and get their items. About five minutes later we pull up to the front. Laurence orders. Once he finished we then start talking waiting for our food.

"So Travis what grade are you in?" I ask.

"Oh I'm a senior at PDH."

"Wait like me?"


"Cool. What about you Katelyn?"

"Same as Travis."

"Oh so we're all I'm the same grade!"

"Yup!" Travis says turning around in his seat towards us girls.

"All except Laurence over there the odd one out."

"Hey! At least I don't have to deal with the shadows knights anymore."

Why Me? (Laurance x reader) 《COMPLETE》Where stories live. Discover now