Therapy Part III

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"Vice Principal Adams! Hi!" I heard my son yell as I looked up to see Lena walking towards us as we had just entered the diner. Looking rather surprised at me I could only smile back as I was just as surprised as her. Partly I was also embarrassed for the  argument we had a few days ago when I accused of her treating me like a patient. Maybe I had went overboard and didn't really see how much she cared and was trying her best with me which I knew was not easy by any means. 

"Hi Jude! What a nice surprise as well." Smiling wide at him my son returned the smile as her eyes quickly looked right into mine."Hi Stef how are you?"

"Good. It's nice seeing you here Lena. We came for dinner would you like to join us?"

"Oh no I don't want to intrude."

"You aren't." Jude said looking back up at me. Whether she was nervous since I was with my son, or she was angry at me about our fights Lena seemed rather awkward and nervous as she kept staring at the front counter.

 "I mean unless you are meeting someone here." I asked glancing into the direction she was but seeing no reason as to why she was looking that way.

"Oh no. Not at all. I um, I would love to join you both."

"Great." Taking a seat at a nearby booth my son slid inside as I took the seat beside him. There was so much I wanted to say to Lena but I knew it was not the right time despite how much we needed to talk and shit did we need to talk as she nervously looked into my eyes and I wanted to so badly kiss her and tell her how sorry I was for being such an ass.

"Vice Principal Adams I told my mom about the honor roll. That I have a really good chance at making it."

"Oh yeah? Well you do. Just keep pushing along Jude you are a great student. And that science trip you will really love."

"Yeah it sounds like fun." I said as the waitress came over handing us our menus and for some reason Lena looked relieved. 

"So you and my mom were friends in San Diego? Why did you move here?"

"Baby that's a personal question." I said gently to him as he nodded his head at me.


"Oh it's ok. Um yes  your mom and I are friends and I just wanted a change of scenery." She lied as I fidgeted in my seat.

"Oh. I liked San Diego. It was pretty."

"You did babe?' I asked him as he smiled at me.


"It is pretty but Sacramento is nice as well. I actually appreciate the change in temperature."

"True." Jude said as I watched them talk back and forth admiring how much Lena enjoyed talking to him. It seemed no matter who I picked they always ended up liking my children which was never a bad thing as she occasionally looked to me and I could only smile at her. So bad did I want to sit beside her and hold her hand, rub it and tell her how much she meant to me and tell her how stubborn I had been. Why was I so afraid of her? Of her love and attention when she had given her entire self to me and I was still holding back. I knew that wasn't right not by any means and she deserved more from me.

"So are you enjoying the school?" I asked her as she broke a smile once again to me and mine only grew larger.

"I am. It has it's challenges but I do like it. Of course I miss the beach but  that goes without saying."

The Sweetest Devotion (The Affair Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now