Coming To Light

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My head was spinning by this point as I sat in the hospital waiting room with Frankie and Jude who refused to leave or let me go by myself. I had no damm idea my mother was even in California but she was apparently living with my father. Why and how I had no idea and I didn't even question it nor did I care. Most likely they were running some scheme together for it would be like her to to anything but that.

Feeling as if the weight of the world was on me again I felt Frankie rubbing my back as I turned to look at her and smile at my angel. Despite how the day was going and how fucked my mind was her calling me mama earlier had nearly mended the part of my heart that was ripped to shreds. She had no idea, none at all as I felt Jude rub my hand.

"Do you want anything. Like water or something?" Frankie asked as she continued to rub my back.

"No love I'm ok. Thanks sweetheart. Listen I don't know how long I'll be here so I want you to take Jude home for me. And Jude I want you to mind Frankie."

"We aren't leaving you."

"Yeah we aren't." Jude said as I looked to the both of them.

"Babies, I'll most likely be here all night and you both need to get sleep and rest. There is plenty of breakfast food and Frankie take my credit cards and keys and get things if you need for tomorrow love."

"We can't leave you Stef. We can't and we won't."

"Yeah, we won't mom. What about you? You need to eat too and change your clothes and everything and you can't be alone."

Seeing how much my kids cared was enough to make me cry buckets for sometimes it amazed me considering how much I fucked up, especially tonight when I had nearly polished off an entire bottle of wine in front of them.

"It's not up for discussion loves. It's not. Please do as I ask ok? This is how you can help me. Jude I want you to go to school tomorrow and I will pick you up. Frankie I want you to go to work and your class. You have that test."

"Mama I don't care about a test." She said uttering that word once again as I grabbed her hand softly and smiled at her.

"I do. I care about your test. And your mama is a strong woman and has faced many things harder then this alone. Please my love do as I ask. Yes?"

Seeing the confliction on her face as well as Jude's Frankie gave in and nodded her head at me.

"I know the both of you care about me. I know that. But I will be ok.  Now go on home and get some sleep and I will call you. Yes?"

"How will get home if I take the car?"

"Don't worry about that. It's late sweets go on my loves."

Seeing how difficult it was for them to leave both Frankie and Jude hugged me tightly as I kissed each of their foreheads and my daugthers hand continued to remain in mine. Her level of love for me was something I was just not use to.

"Love you babies. Go on my girl it's ok." I winked at her as she held Jude's hand.

"We love you too mom." Watching them walk off as I took a seat in the waiting room it was difficult to even understand why I was crying. Why would I cry over a woman who never loved me, who hated me and made it known. Why had I cried over a woman who had beaten me senseless some nights and called me every demeaning word there was. Why would I cry over a woman who stole from me? It didn't make much sense not in least.

There were so many reasons I could skip out on being here and leaving Sharon to be alone. If she had been with the man who was allegedly my father he didn't show his face and had just dumped her off. Not surprising to say the least for she could never in her life hold a relationship and that was clearly something she passed on to me.

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