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Carson POV

"What do you mean, she barely leaves the house?" Carly said. No one has seen Morley, not even some of his group. We haven't.

"That is for you to find out. Your father has seen him, and so has she." The guy said. I see the blood leaking from his leg.

"Thanks." I say and shoot him point blank in the forehead. Carly doesn't even flinch. I step over him and we begin to walk downstairs.

"Where would Caleigh have seen Morley?" She asks me.

"I have no idea." I say and we walk into the living room.

"What happened?" Carly asks running over to Joe, who has placed the cloth on his bleeding shoulder.

"You already saw him Carly." I say getting a glass to fill up with water. I can only imagine that being shot, tied up, and drugged, would make you a little thirsty.

"What happened?" She asks again and I give him the water. He chugs it down in one gulp and puts down the glass.

"It was the usual night. Caleigh wouldn't come down, even for dinner. Then around 12 the door is bust down and before I can react I'm shot and drugged." He says. Carly looks down when he mentions that Caleigh never comes down for dinner.

"Is there anything else you can remember?" I ask. He thinks for a moment.

"They were looking... for... Caleigh." He says as he realizes the situation. We all do.

"She's gone." Carly says. My fist clenches and I grab the cup and go back to the kitchen. I can see their heads close together. Carly is probably going through the job and what happened upstairs.

"We need to find her." I say entering the room again. Both Carly and Joe look at me.

"Well obviously, but how Einstein?" Carly says. She crosses her arms, I have to remember that this is hard on everyone, including her.

"We have no trace on her, she's probably sitting in front of Morley right now." Joe says standing for the first time.

"Remember what he said Carly?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I was too busy wanting to shoot him." She says.

"He said ask our father." I say and her eyes widen.

"We haven't talked to him in years Carson." She says. We were never close to our father, even though he was the one thing that connected all of us.

"But Joe has." I say and Joe nods. Joe was the son of our fathers friend. We grew up close and he even lives with us. He doesn't do jobs because he'd rather watch Caleigh on our nights out.

"I only talk to him once a year when he checks up on you guys." He says to me. But Carly hears him.

"Since when does he check up on us?" She asks me in her no nonsense tone. We, Joe and I, decided not to tell the girls about our father checking in.

"Since I moved you two out. He gives us cash." I say not breaking I contact with Joe.

"Anyways I don't talk to him for another two weeks." Joe said cutting off my future argument with my sister.

"We need to find her now." Carly says and I nod.

"Do you at least have his cell?" I ask. If he doesn't then we are shit out of luck.

"I might. He could have changed it." Joe says and pulls out his phone. I rub my eyes. I'm so tired, I know everyone, with the exception of Joe is.

"Hello." Joe says over the phone. All I hear is noise coming through the other end.

"Tell him I need to talk to him." I say and Joe nods.

"Carson needs to talk to you." Joe says and gives me the phone before my father can object.

"Dad?" I say wondering if he hung up.

"What do you want son?" The deep voice of my dad floats through the line. I sigh inwardly.

"Caleigh has been kidnapped." I say. Carly looks away and Joe leaves the room. Silence is all I hear for a few seconds.

"I knew you couldn't take care of them." He says with a disappointed tone.

"Shut up I need info." I say. He always blamed me if one little thing went wrong. One time Carly fell off her bike, and our father said that I should've held it up.

"I can't tell you where she is." He said. I roll my eyes.

"Morley took her. One of his goons said it was because she's seen him before." I say. "When could that have been?" I ask. All I hear is him sigh on the other side.

"I think I might know. Morley killed her mother. She might've seen through the kitchen window." Dad says and I look up at Carly.

"Why have you never told us?" I say tightly. If I knew this I could've protected her from the start.

"Because then you wouldn't have worked for him. I know you liked Caleigh's mother best. All of you did. But if you hadn't worked for Morley then he would've come after me." He said. I can't imagine how red I am right now.

"Well now he has your daughter. Is that better?" I yell, then hang up. I slam my fist into the wall and Joe comes back in the room. He has a new, clean rag that is slowly turning red from being on his shoulder. His eyes flick from my face and the new hole in the wall.

"So I guess it went well?" He said. I wish I could've found it in me to smile but that just wasn't possible right now.

My baby sister is missing.

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