Chapter X

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Caleigh POV

I don't know how long I've been here. They've fed me once and I'm still alive so it must be one to three days. However I do get water, but it's in a doggy bowl. These people are just harsh. Go figure that Jake is the one that put it there. He just laughed as he left the room.

I usually end up lying with my back on the floor and my feet kicking the cage. I'm still in Morley's office so I just do it to bug him. He always threatens to shoot me but why hasn't he done that already is the real question.

He won't release me because now I definitely have seen him, so why won't he just kill me and finish me off. I'm sure he has other people to kill.

The one upside to being kidnapped is that now I might be allowed to go on jobs. Carson's argument was that it wasn't safe outside the house, but if it isn't safe inside the house I have no reason not to. Since I've been just sitting in this damn cage I've had a lot to think about.

"Stop it now, before a put a bullet between your eyes." Morley says from behind his desk. Without even realizing it I had begun to kick the cage again. I just sit up and look at him behind the desk.

"Please, end my suffering." I say dramatically and flop back down. I rapidly hit the cage with my feet again and flail around. Morley just hits his desk, grabs his laptop, and leaves the room. Here I thought all those mob guys were old school and just wrote with a pen and ink.

I want to hurt him so bad, I hope Carson is close to finding me because if I don't get a change in scenery soon, I'm going to bang my head against the bars until I die. But I can't give up yet, I need to be strong for my family. All I want is to see them again.


After sitting in this cage for another couple hours Jake the jerk comes in again. He looks quite happy, with a bit of insane behind the eyes. He looks like Carson after he found out I got an A on my history quiz because I cheated.

"Papa send you to get me?" I ask sitting up and batting my eyelashes. He just rolls his eyes and his smile is replaced with a scowl, but he still looks insane.

"Not mine" He mutters and I look up as the top is lifted. What the hell did he mean, maybe he's adopted. That would explain the insanity, if your foster dad is a mob boss. But they look too much alike.

He grabs my armpits and lifts me out of the cage. Before I can blink he yanks my arms behind my back and puts handcuffs on them. I just laugh.

"Hey buddy, I'm not my brother, I can't get out of your damn grip on a good day." I say as the cold metal presses tightly against my skin. All he does is laugh. He leads me out of the office for only the second time during my stay here.

I know as soon as we leave that this place is a mansion. It's easy to tell due to the high ceilings and massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I can't even gawk at it for more then five seconds before Jake tugs me away.

We go through something that looks like a kitchen. We stop at two doors I just assume are the pantry until Jake pulls out a swipe card. The doors slide open and we go into a tiny elevator that from what I can see only goes down. He pulls me in and the doors shut.

"So, cool ride." I say. It doesn't matter who its with, I hate awkward silences. Jake just looks at me and rolls his eyes again.

"If you do that to much your eyes will pop out." I say and roll my eyes at him. Yes, I am hypocritical, but I just wanted to get on his nerves a bit. But maybe too much, he slams my head against the door of the elevator.

"That'll teach you to keep your mouth shut." He says smirking but I don't pay much attention to him. My one goal at the moment is to not loose consciousness when I'm alone with this man. I don't know what he's willing to do since he seems to not have a conscience.

Finally the doors open to reveal a large garage looking area. The only difference was that there were guns on every wall, and men loitering around. If my brother tried to get me out, he would most likely die. I need my siblings to stay far, far away.

He pulls me out and I feel wetness on the side of my face. The head slam must have caused my head to bleed. Or it's raining underground.

"There's our guest of honor." Morley says from across the room. I can't see him but I remember his voice. It was hard to identify him because every voice in this room has a thick accent like his, and I'm delirious. He comes into view and frowns slightly when he sees my condition.

"I told you she wasn't to be harmed yet." He said looking at Jake who now stood behind me. I study his face and the memory of my mother being shot, the sound, echos through my brain. Normally I'm better at controlling this but my head being hit is causing me to let my walls down.

"She was bothering me." He said tightening his grip on my forearms. I couldn't even find my voice to make a smart comeback, and I don't even know if I would. The fire inside of me is going out and I don't know how much more I can take.

"Well you're still learning how to control yourself, let's get her on stage." He said and Jake began pulling me through the crowd once again. Finally I see I little bit of the ground raised to act as a stage.  Jake pulls me up and has me stand in between him and his father.

"Hello men, we are pleased to report we found the Crew child who knew of me." Joe announces and all the men cheer. But I can't even move.

"Bring him out." Jake says in his fathers ear, and Joe nods slightly.

"We would've never done it without our informant, please give a big hand to Carter." Joe says and my head whips to the side. There he is, my father, the man who raised me, walking on stage as all these men cheer, and he looks proud of himself.

My father gave our location away. He cause Joe to get shot. He let us work for the man that killed my mother.

The fire dies out, and I completely give up.

Please vote if you enjoyed! The rest of the book will be published sometime in May, as I am quite busy with schoolwork!!!

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