Chapter XXIX

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Carson POV

"Oh Carson!" Marco yelled. I instantly knew that this could not be good. He sounds cocky, like he is gloating. I grab Joe and come around the opposite side of the truck. I saw Caleigh in Marco's grip, and Carly in Jake's. Both of them had guns held to their heads. In that short of a firing distance, I knew they didn't have to be worried about a stray bullet hitting something flammable.

"Marco, think about this." I said. Reasoning was my only way out of this one. But that was a challenge that was next to impossible. Everyone knows you can't reason with a mad man. Then it hit me, his son wasn't too far gone yet. I see it in his eyes, he isn't enjoying his life.

"There is nothing to think about. Although selling Caleigh was my original plan, I have enough money. And seeing you in pain would give me so much pleasure." Marco says and he flips the safety off of his gun. Joe and I yell for him to stop and surprisingly he does. I make eye contact with Jake for not even a second, but I did. 

"I know you don't want this life. I know you see a way out, doing this will only trap you here forever. I know, I've experienced it. But there is a chance to get out." I said keeping eye contact with Marco the whole time. But Marco is too crazed to know I'm actually talking to Jake.

"What are you talking about, this is my life." Marco said staring daggers at me. It is too risky to look at Jake again, I just have to hope he knows I'm talking to him. I hear Joe sigh slightly and I dare to look at Jake. I see Jake's gun slightly removed from her head. My plan is working. 

"Put the gun down Marco." A voice says from behind Morley. I look past and see him, the man who was supposed to be dead. My father, the man I despise, holding a gun to the back of Marco's head.

"You're alive." Marco says smiling, he is about to turn until Carter touches the gun to the back of his head. His smile fades and his face holds looks of confusion. But there isn't any coming from Caleigh and I. We heard what he had to say in that room, but now I don't think it is fake.

"I said put the gun down. You too Jake." Carter says and Jake instantly drops his weapon. Carly hobbles over to use and Joe catches her before she falls. However Marco doesn't waver. 

"What do you think you are doing?" Marco mumbles, still in a state of shock, not even thinking for one second that his friend would betray him. I look around and not to my surprise I don't see Jake. He must have ducked out of here real quick.

"I'm protecting my child, my daughter. The one your holding by the neck." Carter says, his face is bright red. He almost looks like he is going to explode.

"You were going to let me sell her to the Uma family." Marco said, confusion turning into disbelief. Carter just laughed at that.

"You idiot. I was going to free my other children and attack the caravan you sent her on." He said pushing the gun deeper into Marco's skull. I can barely belief what I'm hearing right now, Carter has been on our side this whole time.

"But- but you gave your children straight to me?" Marco asked and Carter just laughed again. I saw a puddle of blood and saw Caleigh's wound bleeding again. But much more quickly this time. 

"This was the final act. The time I take you down for good, you have hurt too many innocents." Carter says and Marco growls. Caleigh goes completely limp in Marco's arms, and I know I have to step in.

"Marco just let go of Caleigh." I said, still trying to convince him. Caleigh looks dead, she's a ghostly white and she is hanging limp like a rag doll. I need to stop the bleeding and re-bandage the wound.

"Why should I?" He taunts me, squeezing her tighter. Does he not realize that she is already half dead.

"Because if you don't I'll shoot you." Carter says, looking into my eyes. He can't see Caleigh, but he can the panic in me. He wasn't the best father, but he is still my father. Even if his mighty plan put all of his children at risk.

"You'll shoot me anyway old friend. I might as well take someone with me." Marco says menacingly. But before he can do anything, Carter shoots him. They both fall to the ground and I rush over. 

"Joe get the extra bandages." I say and pick her up. I run her over to the back of the truck and place her inside. Joe gets in the drivers seat and Carter jumps in the back with me.

"You need to sew it up first, don't worry about cleaning it yet." Carter says as I pick up a water bottle. I throw it aside and pick back up the needle. I'm already shaking as it is, but the car movements aren't helping much. 

"Damn it." I say as I drop the needle. This is not the time to have slippery hands.

"Let me do it son." Carter says gently. I reluctantly hand the supplies over to him, and see him confidently sew up the wound. He is stable the whole time.

I bandage it up as soon as it's done, and here Carly yell at us that we are ten minutes away from a hospital. 

I got them out alive, barely, but alive.

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