Chapter XIV

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Carson POV

I failed. I let my father distract me from the real problems. Because of my curiosity, both of my sisters are gone.

"What happened?" Joe asks from the doorway and I look at him. I forgot I hadn't told him anything.

"Morley has both of them." I said and went into the kitchen. I sat down at the table and placed my head in my hands. My world is quickly unraveling. How did things happen so quickly? It was just three days ago that Caleigh screamed at Joe for being an insensitive bastard.

"What would he want with Carly, she doesn't know anything?" He asks sitting across from me. I glance up at him and remember what West said. We had a mole.

"She did say she could feel Cal." I said tiredly. This entire situation keeps getting more complicated. It was just a simple kidnapping, but now it's turned into a scavenger hunt.

"But how would Morley know that?" Joe asks. I hate to think it, but there is a chance he's the mole. But I should keep these thoughts to myself. If he is, I don't want to tip of Morley.

"I'm sure he has this place bugged or something." I whispered. I always hated lying, especially to one of my best friends. But I have to take every precaution. It takes one spook to make people do something irrational. Like killing a teenage girl.

"Maybe. What did you hear from West?" He asks suddenly curious. It could just be the possible risk of him being the mole, but he seems a little bit to interested.

I sigh, what am I thinking. If Joe wanted to rat us out he would've done it ages ago. He only cares about the girls, he's like another brother to them.

"He said Caleigh was alive, but she was injured." I said. Joe clenched his hands, then he relaxed slightly. It doesn't take a genius to know what he's thinking, after all, I went through the same thought process. She is hurt, but she is also alive. Which means she can be saved.

"What's Morley going to do now that he has both of them?" Joe questioned aloud. I'm ashamed that thought never even occurred to me.

"I have no idea, but now they've both seen him. Even if we get them back, they won't be safe anywhere." I said and Joe nodded.

"What time did you leave the bar?" He asks. I look up, why is that important right now.

"Um, around three. Why?" I ask. I have no idea why this information is significant. He just looks at me.

"Why did it take you so long to get home?" He asked, and my pulse quickened. He's right, it only takes an hour to get home, so why did I call him at five? Because I was distracted by my plastered father who dropped some major bombshells on me.

"I was interrupted." I say shortly and stand up to get a soda.

"Come on Carson I know you, what was so important it would keep you from getting Carly somewhere safe?" He said in an accusing tone. He has every right to be pissed, I not only let Carly down, but him as well.

"Carter called me. Told me to talk to him." I said sitting back down. Joe's eyebrows lifted in surprise, that is definitely not what he was expecting.

"About what?" He asked, obviously curious.

"My mother." I said and Joe leaned back.

"Which one, birth or Cal's?" He asked looking directly at me. Joe was a naturally easy guy to talk to, but it was difficult to force the words out.

"There's no difference between the two." I said. Joe's entire face dropped. He's mouth was opening and shutting, like he was trying to find the right words to say.

"Are you telling me..." He lead me in. It's not that hard dude, figure it out.

"They are one in the same. Caleigh and I share the same mother." I said. Saying the words out loud suddenly made it real. I had known my birth mother this whole time. I had been close to her.

"How is that possible? I thought Cal's mother was very young?" He asked trying to figure out the puzzle.

"Apparently not that young." I said sharply. I didn't mean to be harsh, it isn't his fault she left me but stayed with Caleigh. I was certainly not going to put the blame on Caleigh either.

"Your excuse checks out." He says. I know what he means and I'm relieved. It means he doesn't blame me. A weight is lifted off of me.

"Thanks man." I said. We let the room fall quiet for a moment, before Joe finally spoke again.

"What else did you learn?" He asked.

"Not much, West didn't know where they were." I said. I'm a horrible brother. I can't even keep track of my sisters, let alone protect them when it most matters.

"Hey, I know what your thinking and it is not your fault." Joe says heavily. I look at him, my best friend for the past five years.

"I know, but the blame has to fall on someone." I say.

"Yeah on Morley. I know that when you face him, all of hell will rain down on him." He said and gave me an encouraging smile. I smirked, when I got my hands on him, there are dues to pay.

"Karma's a bitch huh?" I said bemused. Joe laughed and nodded.

"I would not want it to be delivered by you, that's for damn sure." He said and I laughed. My dad was a jackass, there is no doubt, but he did teach me a few helpful things.

"I don't think Morley does either." I said. He should know better then to mess with this Crew. He is starting a war he can't finish.

"Let's find your sisters." Joe said and left to most likely get his computer.

I couldn't agree more.

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