Chapter XXVI

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Caleigh POV

"It's down the stairs and to the right." I instructed. Carson had been following all of my directions very well, and we were almost at the right room. I was feeling physically better after Carson gave me morphine and stitched up the wound on my stomach.

Mentally I was in a bad place. Every time I closed my eyes I just saw Jake standing there laughing, as he slowly cut into every inch of me. Carly screaming at him to stop, and him just cutting deeper and deeper. And the worst thing is I will never be able to forget. Me being able to remember the weapons room is the only plus of my memory right now.

"Third door on the right." I said and our group started off towards the door. I remember just seeing a little glimpse inside when Jake let me out to use the bathroom. As soon as I heard the guy accidentally drop a box of shells, I committed it to memory. 

"Alright, if there is men in there we need to take them out quickly and quietly. This room is a bad place for a gun fight to happen." Carson said. He was right, one misfire and it could hit other flammable objects and blow up the whole floor. And since this is the bottom floor, then the whole place would come down.

Carson opens the door and Joe and Carly stand ready. I nuzzle myself further inside Carson's hold. I have always wanted to go on jobs, but I'm still a teenager, plus I don't really like guns that much. I much prefer the knives.

He quickly slams it open, and to our luck, there is nobody inside. Carson looks confused, and I search my memory to see if anything rings a bell. 

"What's the date?" I ask, and all of them give me confused looks.

"Uh, June 4th." Carson says. It starts as a small laugh, then it grows. I hear my siblings telling me to quiet down but I know I don't need to.

"Today is the annual meeting. Morley took all of his best men to attend. All he left behind were the rookies and Carter to command them." I said and Carly grew ecstatic. 

"How do you know that?" Joe asked.

"I over heard it during my third day here. Marco took me into this airplane hanger looking area and showed me off to all his men. Like I was the new Lamborghini or something." I said as Carson carried me into the weapons room. 

"You were probably a prize. One of the famed Crew daughters in their grasp." Carly said and I just nodded.

"Hey Carson, you can put me down." I said looking at him. I could tell he was itching to get to the guns. Carson always liked to be carrying, and I think it is making him uncomfortable to not be.


"I won't hurt myself." I said. The only thing I have to be weary about is the deep cut on my stomach. But I just have to make sure I don't pop the stitches.

As soon as he sets my feet on the ground, I wobble. Carly quickly grabs my arm to stabilize me, whilst Carter goes and takes his pick of weapons. 

"You good Cal?" She asks and I nod. Nothing hurts so far, I just haven't walked by myself since I unlocked their cages, and that was just pure adrenaline. So it was a bit tricky to have to walk by myself for the first time in a week. 

"You want a weapon girl?" Joe asked, holding up a pistol. Again, I don't like guns, but this is kill or be killed. I'm injured, which means throwing knives would put a strain on me, plus I don't see any knives to throw.

"Ugh fine. But I hope I won't have to use it." I say taking it and stuffing it into the back of my shorts. Well, they used to be pants but Jake cut them into shorts. Asshole ruining my clothes. 

"So do I. But just in case." Carson says. It hits me like a ton of bricks. The realization that Carson is here. He saved me, he is getting me out. Without thinking I just walk over to him and hug him. I want to cry, but I know I should save that for later. You know, when death isn't looking us right in the face.

"Alright, not that this isn't a rare sight, but we should probably go." Joe says, and I let go of Carson's mid section. Saying he looks shocked is an understatement. I never hug people, so Joe was right when he said it's rare.

Joe opens the door and looks both ways out. Then he motions for us to follow him. It's Joe, Carly, me, then Carson bringing up the rear. Ready to shoot anyone that dared aim at me.

"Joe, where are we going?" Carly asks as we turn away from the front door. 

"We won't get anywhere on foot, we need to take a car." He said then Carson nodded his head. 

"We were both slightly conscious when they brought us in here, so we know where it is." Carson explained for Carly and I. 

"Lucky you, when I woke up I was in a stupid crate!" Carly seethed.

"I feel ya there sister." I said rolling my eyes.

"As history shows, women are treated much worse then men." Carly says, and I chuckle.

"I'd drink to that. If I had a drink." I said and Carson flicks my ear.

"And if you are 21, which you are not." He said narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes Carson, I am a perfect law abiding citizen." I said saluting him. He just rolled his eyes at me, which caused Carly to chuckle.

"Not that I don't enjoy the Crew family banter, but we are here." Joe said coming up to a door that looks vaguely familiar. I just push it aside, I probably passed here going to the bathroom once.

As Joe opens the door, I remember it. The smell of cigar smoke and Jake's aftershave.

The hanger.

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