Chapter XIII

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Caleigh POV

I wake up in the same cage I've become accustomed to. The same silver bars and cage top. But as soon as I'm conscious I know something's different.

"Cal, you okay?" A feminine voice asks from beside me. I roll over to see my sister. Her state shocks me however, she has a long cut down the side of her face that will scar. My sister is here!

"Why did they take you too?" I ask and tears flow from my eyes. I don't know whether it's happy or sad tears though. Or maybe it's both. She smiles sadly at me and reaches through the bars to grab my hand. As soon as my small hand is in hers a sense of calmness washes over me.

"I don't know, a bunch of guys came to the house, but they had a key." She said with a puzzled expression. Unlike her, I know exactly how they got a key. But now I need to tell her about dad.

"Carly, you need to know something." I said, trying to sit up a little. As soon as I did however her eyes went to the side of my head.

"Yeah, I need to know who the hell hurt my baby sister." She said growing angrier by the second. I put my free hand on top of hers and her eyes meet mine. I offer her a small smile and she sighs and looks down. I know this is hard for her.

"I wasn't cooperating, go figure." I say trying to joke around with her. I was rewarded by a small chuckle.

"Well, Carson is going to kill everyone in this house when he sees." She says and I chuckle at her comment. Please, he's going to kill everyone whether I was hurt or not. You don't mess with the Crew family. You'd think the elder Crew would have learned this by now.

"Seriously Carly you need to know something." I say trying again to get the information across. She looks at me then her eyes snap toward the door. It must have opened, I wouldn't know because I'm not facing that way.

"What do you want?" She said and I see Jake come into my field vision. I sigh and lean back against the bars.

"Carly meet Jake, the man who disfigured my face." I say flopping my arm up trying to motion towards him. He smirked at me.

"That's exaggerating, besides you annoy the crap out of me little Crew." He said, then he looked at Carly. She just put on a bored expression and picked at her nails. After a minute she looks at him.

"Sup' jackass." I resist the urge to laugh. Only my sister could be this good at pretending to be a bad ass. He looked between us and started laughing.

"I can tell you two are sisters, although one of your mothers was much more beautiful then the other." He said staring directly at Carly. She just scowls at him and flips him the bird.

"My mother was a slut, nothing to brag about." She mumbled, but if Jake caught it, he didn't say a word. All he does is pick up a newspaper. I grab her hand and she smiles.

"Oh how did you take the news?" He asked looking up from the paper. Her head turns to him and she frowns. I know she's confused.

"What news?" She questioned. I run my hand through my hair and sigh sadly. Her head turns back to me and she frowns. Jake just laughs.

"You're telling me she didn't give you a heads up." My eyes shoot toward him. If only I had the force, I could choke him out right here right now.

"I was going to, before some dumb shit interrupted me." I said and rolled my eyes. Carly's expression on me never wavered however.

"Oh, well this dumb shit would've told her that her dad is a mole first thing." He said with a chuckle. Her eyes widened and her head turned back to Jake. He just laughed and left the room. There goes the plan to break it to her easy. Out of all of us, she's the only one that doesn't loathe our father.

"Is he right?" She questions and I look back into her eyes.

"Yeah, he told Morley I knew what he looked like." I said and her free hand clenched in a fist.

"What else did he tell Morley?" She asked. I didn't know much else, but it's pretty easy to assume.

"I guess he told Morley where we lived, set up the fake job, and gave them a heads up about Joe being there with me." I told her. Her face got red and her whole body tensed. Joe!

"I'm going to kill Carter." She said, eyes wild.

"Is Joe okay?" I ask, ignoring what she said earlier. I don't know if either of us could kill our father, I think only Carson could do that.

"Yeah everyone's fine, Carson is pissed. So is Joe." She said calming down a bit. I've learned with my sister the best remedy to anger is distraction.

"Oh thank god." I said relieved. I curled my knees to my chest and put my head down. Carly ran a gentle hand down my back.

"We never stopped looking for you Cal." She said quietly. I knew she felt guilty, but she shouldn't.

"I know, I knew you guys wouldn't give up on me." I said, and she squeezed my hand a little tighter.

"Well I guess I found you first." She said with a sad chuckle. I look up at her, at her scar.

This is my fault.

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