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Caleigh POV

I wake up with a pounding headache. All I see is gray, I slowly sit up and hit my head. Did they seriously put me back in the dog crate! It's not like I'm strong enough to escape, I could barely sit up a minute ago.

I review our past conversation in my mind. I think back to what happened. Morley killed my mother, there was no doubt anymore. Just thinking about it is making the memory resurface. But maybe it should, the more I know about him the better. I let it float to the surface..

It was my 2nd birthday, and I wasn't allowed to have a party. Daddy said that I don't need friends for the life I'm going to live. So Carson threw me a mini party with Carly. Mommy made us cupcakes, and she made us crowns. She gave me a ruby necklace, Carson gave me a fluffy blanket, and Carly gave me a teddy bear.

Then the doorbell rang and Mommy jumped up. She told us she'd be back in one minute. Carson followed her into the living room. Carly and I heard the doorbell again and Carson came running into the room. He grabbed Carly's hand and picked me up. He was so strong for a 17 year old. I saw Mommy standing in the kitchen with a long black stick, I think it was a gun.

"Take them somewhere safe." She said. Her voice was so sweet, like water running down the hill. Her white hair made her seem like an angel, maybe she really was. Carson nods and runs us out the back door as mommy goes toward the front.

I feel the cool summer air on my face and see the green of the trees. Carson stops on a hill and turns us around. I cuddle near his shoulder, and I almost fall asleep. Until I see mommy in the window, she left it open after baking the cupcakes. She has her hands raised, and I see the same black stick pointed at her.

Carson begins to run again but I turn and look at her. She meets my eyes, with her cool blue ones. The man says something then I hear a sound. It's louder then one of Carson's scary movies, all I see is mommy fall. Red now lines the once red windows. I see the man smile and he sees me, my eyes. He snarls and runs out the building.

Then daddy's truck pulls in, and the man points the stick at him. I feel Carson stop running again and he turns around. The scary man points up at the hill towards us, then daddy says something to him. He quickly gets in the car. The only time I saw his face was when mommy fell down. The other times he had his hood up.

"Cal, are you okay?" Carson asks. It was then I acknowledged the tears on my face. I look up at his brown eyes, the same eyes as Daddy and Carly. Why don't I have brown eyes.

"Why did mommy fall down?" I ask and bury my head in his shoulder. Carson looks at the window and sees the red. He looks down at me, I see him crying. No, Carson never cries because he is a man, and I love him more then anything.

"She's an angel now." He says and Carly cries no too. Why is everyone crying.

The time I realized mom was dead was at her funeral. I feel myself crying, but I don't make any noise. I just softly whimper in the cage. Why can't I ever forget it all? This man will never let me go, I'll never get to see my big brother again.

"Hush doggy we're trying to work." A voice yells from behind me. I turn around and see Morley and his son looking at some papers. His son looks up and smirks, and begins to walk over to me. He grabs a black blanket off of the sofa and drapes it over the crate. Well now I can't see anything.

"Now will you be quiet?" The voice says although it is slightly muffled. My legs are starting to cramp and I need to use the bathroom.

"I need to use the toilet." I say hoping that it was loud enough for them to hear. But what I didn't say was that I was hungry. If they're even generous enough to let me out to use the bathroom, I highly doubt they'll give me food.

"Fine." The blanket was removed along with the top of the crate. I feel myself being roughly yanked out and placed on my feet. The strong hands never once left my arms.

"Alright I can pee myself buddy." I said trying to squirm out the grip. It was pointless in the end, I am a lot weaker then these men after all.

"Yeah it isn't going to happen." The son said and I rolled my eyes.

"Then how the hell am I supposed to use the bathroom dumb ass?" I ask him, and I feel his grip tighten.

"You're right." Morley says from behind us, but the son didn't loosen his grip a fraction.

"Uh big boy, did you hear papa bear? Let me go." I said but nobody said anything. Finally I feel his grip completely vanish from my wrists and up to my arms. Then I feel the shackles.

I miss Carson beating up every man who would touch me.

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