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Caleigh POV

I don't know how much time has passed. Carly is still trying to get used to the lack of food and movement, whereas I have become accustomed to it. She's also still trying to deal with our fathers betrayal.

"Caleigh, how long do you think we've been here?" Carly asked. It's like she can read my mind. Creepy.

"No clue. It's probably been a day." I said shrugging. No one's come into the office since Jake dropped that bombshell. Well, a maid came in once to give us food. A measly roll with cheese. When we get out of here, I'm going to IHop.

"But they've only given us a sandwich." She said bewildered. Jeez, Carly needs to toughen up. I can't imagine her reaction when I tell her they never let us out of the cage.

"The life of confinement, we welcome you." I said and sent her a joking smile. She only rolled her eyes at my comment. Gone is joking Carly, because life got real.

"The life of Hell you mean." She said bemused. I guess I was wrong, she's still in there somewhere. Down real deep.

"You'll get a nice tan during your stay." I say lightly kicking the top of my cage. I can hear her laugh a little, and that makes me smile. Her laugh is beautiful, refreshing. It's nice after being alone for so long.

"Don't take offense to this but I'm glad you're here." I said and looked at her. She looked my way and gave me a small smile. Our moment is however ruined by the door slamming open. I see the man himself, actually both of them. Joe Morley accompanied by my father.

"Hello Carlina." Joe says giving her a sinister smile. She just copy's his sly grin. What does she know?

"Hello Marco." She says. I whip my head to her but then back to Joe, I mean Marco. He looks taken aback by Carly's comment.

"You told them?" He questions calmly to my father. Carter just gives him an equal glare.

"I had to get them to trust me. It worked, Carson didn't suspect me." Carter says even toned.

"Well he may someday. When he figures it out, we will be in deep shit." Marco says tightly. He's afraid of Carson, as he should be. He is so dead.

"Why haven't you killed us already?" I asked, I'm starting to get tired of being in this cage all the time. I crave release,
even if it is in death.

"Caleigh don't encourage them!" Carly whispered fiercely to me. I just turned my head and frowned.

"I've been here for god knows how long with little to no food. I could care less." I said honestly then turned back to the two men. Marco seemed unaffected but I could swear I see a bit of sympathy in my dads eyes. But as soon as his gaze meets mine, they turn cold once again. It's like a spell.

"I can't kill you yet, I need info." Marco says facing me again. His calm demeanor quickly replaces the earlier panicked one. He whips out his phone, no, my phone and begins typing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I question. I hate when people touch my stuff, it's like for the rest of time I see their fingerprints.

"Telling your brother to go home." He said and turned to me. My dad glances between us.

"Carson moved, where did he go?" Carter asks me. I now notice he is completely avoiding Carly. It's like he's ashamed.

"Why would I know that?" I ask, but I know exactly why.

"There's no way he could've moved that fast, house's don't sell that quickly." Marco finishes for my father. I look at Carter then back at Carly.

"It seems to have escaped me." I say and Carly sighs behind me.

He went to Joe's old place that Carter never knew about. Carson always said if we were in trouble go there and he would find us.

"Wrong answer." Marco said and snaps his fingers. I thought they only did that in movies. Two huge guys come and undo the top of my cage. I've only done this rodeo twice and it has always been Jake.

I'm lifted out but thankfully they leave Carly in hers. They can do whatever they want to me but they won't hurt my sister.

"Caleigh please just cooperate." Carter says sincerely. I can't believe he thinks I'd take him seriously after what he has done to his children.

"Remind me on Father's Day to egg your house." I say with so much venom, a rattlesnake would be proud. Carter flinches but continues to try.

"My issues are not with you or your sister, they are with Carson." He says. What the hell does he want with Carson.

"What's your problem with Carson?" Carly asks and I see them pick up the cage and move it. Farther from me, wonderful. Sure they hate each other, but to go this far?

"He's a disgrace, a disappointment. He couldn't even figure out Morley has been hunting Caleigh since she was twelve and told me she could remember that day!" He said strongly to us.

"You abused our relationship and took advantage of not just me, but Carson and Carly as well." I said and he narrowed his eyes at me. I compiled his look, after all I It it from him.

"I'm your father, you will tell me where your brother is." He commanded. I just rolled my eyes and Carly snickered.

"You were never my father." I said and he smirked.

"Incorrect, I'm the one that knocked up your mother, not once but twice." He said proudly.

"Wait, do we have another sibling?" Carly asked and I sighed. I had known for awhile.

"Not a new one Carly. Carson is my biological brother." I said staring at Carter. I couldn't help but look at my sister. Color was draining from her face, and I knew I had hurt her.

"I'm your father Caleigh." He said ignoring the huge bombshell I just dropped.

"No Carson is." I said. Carter just frowned and walked out, but I didn't care. I felt no remorse for my father what so ever.

"Where is your brother?" Marco asked less impatient. He was jittery too. He knows Carson will be coming soon.

"You okay there Marco, you look a bit under the weather." Carly antagonized. I bit back a laugh.

"Enough of this." Jake said entering the room for the first time. He took three long strides and there was a knife in my thigh.

I blacked out to Carly's screams.

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