Chapter XVII

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Caleigh POV

They finally finished, it only took them two hours. At least that is my estimation. When they started the clock was at 12, and when I woke up it was 2. I have no idea what happened when I was out, but for some reason I was left in this god awful chair.

"Caleigh, are you okay?" Carly asks, her voice quiet. She looks... ashamed. Her looks up with pain in her eyes.

"You cannot possibly thing that this is your fault." I said. She just sighs, but doesn't respond for awhile.

"I know them hurting you wasn't." She said softly. I believe the correct word is torture, but I know that will only make her feel worse.

"Then what's wrong?" I ask, but she doesn't hear me. She's too deep in thought. I suddenly remember the major bombshell that Carter dropped before all the action started.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks and I know she was thinking the same thing. She looks so hurt and broken.

"How you are feeling right now, that is the reason I didn't tell you." I explained and her eyes locked on mine.

"I'm the odd one out." She said painfully. I shook my head.

"No, Carter is. You are my sister, blood or not." I said lightly. I hate that he brought this up, it was so unnecessary.

"But it separates the one thing that we all had in common, you and Carson are closer." She said, but I knew that she didn't believe it. I sure as hell don't.

"Carly, our mother was your mother, she raised us, the only one she didn't raise was Carson." I said lightly.

"You have no idea to know what it's like." She said angrily. Then I lost my composure.

"Yeah, well imagine how Carson must be feeling, being lied to his whole life." I said sharply, and she fell back into silence.

This is all Carter's fault. That was such an unnecessary thing to bring up. Especially since he just left after dropping it. Typical dad, leaving his youngest daughter to pick up the mess. Unless I'm not?

"Are you really okay?" She asks looking at me. I feel numb, but I guess that's pretty normal considering what happened. Although I have no idea what I must look like.

"I'm numb all over, I think it will be worse later." I said and she nodded. Despite what happened, I hope that it is always me they hurt. I don't think I could handle watching Carly get hurt.

"What you did was okay." She said and I looked at her, and for a long time I didn't know how to respond.

"No, it wasn't." I said, and the door slammed open. It was Carter holding a pair of scissors. What's he going to do, cut me and tell Carter I was suicidal. But he only cuts the ties on my hands and feet before lifting me and putting me back into my cage.

"Sleep tight girls." He said before shutting the door. Carly just looks at me confused. I honestly can't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. If he was then that is a cruel joke.

"Still accept him as our father?" I ask and Carly gives me the stink eye. That was the only area that Carly was different then Carson and I. She still thought of Carter as her father, and that we should all listen to him.

"Hardly, he's just a coward with a big body." She said and leaned her back against the cage. I decided that responding to that would be counter productive so I just stayed silent.

"Do you think we have more siblings?" I asked. This had been bugging me for a little while.

"It wouldn't surprise me." She said and I nodded. My mother was originally just his maid, and was our mother. We had a lot of nanny's and babysitters, did he do it to them too?

"The real question is how many more." I mumbled loud, but I knew Carly heard me.

"It must be in the twenty's, I mean Carson is in his thirty's." She said, answering my hypothetical question.

"Do you think any of them are younger then me?" I asked, not really wanting her to answer. But that is the thing about Carly, she always answers. Whether you want to know the answer or not.

"Honey, someone probably just found out they are pregnant with his baby." She said sadly. I didn't want to think I had younger siblings to protect but Carly is right. Carter has whores out the wazoo.

"Yeah, should we find them?" I ask and Carly shakes her head.

"Listen, Carson has money, but our house is pretty full already, we would need a mansion like this to hold all of his kids. Maybe two houses." She said humorlessly.

"Then why would he keep us. He obviously didn't keep all of his children?" I asked and she sighed.

"Carter was his first child, so when he was born and your mother left, Carter kept him. The same thing happened with you but that time she just stayed. My mother was a slut, we already know this, but when she died, she wrote that I was under custody of Carter." She said. Her face was sad whenever she talked about her mother, even though she always talked about how much she hated her mother.

"Carly it's okay to be upset." I said and she just laughed a little.

"No, I never knew her, I hate her for leaving me with him." She said, but I know she doesn't believe that.

"You loved your mother, and it's killing you because you don't know why." I said and her eyes widened.

"I told you that when you were born." She said, remembering our painful past.

"Only because you had to tell someone, but you didn't want anyone to know your weakness." I said. I just told her I've known her deepest darkest secret this whole time.

"Curse your photogenic memory." She said wiping away a stray tear.

"Everybody loves their mother, it's in their genetic code. Even that jerk Jake loves his mother." I said and she just smiled and nodded. The door opens and I see Marco stick his head in.

"Thanks for the tip sweetheart." He says and shuts the door. Now I start crying.

"Hey it's not your fault, Carson won't blame you." Carly says, and I shake my head.

"No, he'll hate me. I told them where the safe houses are."

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