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You never said "I'm leaving"

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You never said "I'm leaving". You never said goodbye. You were gone before we knew it, and only God knows why. In life I l loved you Jonghyun. In death I still love you. In my heart I hold a place that only you can fill. It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn't go alone. A part of me went with you the day God took you home. We know you'd be with us today if heaven wasn't so far away. You and I will meet again, one day in some far off place, I will recognize your face. I won't say goodbye,Jonghyun. You'll never be forgotten. That simply cannot be. As long as I'm living, I'll carry you with me. Safely tucked within my heart. Your light will always shine; A glowing ember never  stilled, throughout the end of time. No matter what the future brings, or what may lie ahead, I know that you will walk with me, along the path I tread. So rest my angel, be at peace and let your soul fly free. One day I'll join your glorious flight for all eternity.

  flawless doll♡ [park jimin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora