e i g h t e e n t h ♂

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A/N: This chapter contains extreme violence. Please read at your own risk.




Streams of light slowly seeped into my blackened sight, disrupting my peaceful slumber. As I fluttered my eye open, the bright light somewhat blinded my vision, so I tried to use my hand for a protective shield, but for no reason, my whole arm was restrained in place, as if something was holding it down. I squirmed, but nothing happened. I also began to feel the hard surface beneath me, which was supposed to be comfy and all.

What the fuck is going on? I forced my muscles to at least make a single motion, but none of them obliged to my command. Even my legs were immobilized right on their spot.

Regardless, I was able to turn my head over to my side to see what was going on. That was when I knew, all my arms were stretched out and strapped down by tightened straps. I didn't expect this at all, and my breaths were getting more heavy and fast. Calm the fuck down, Ed and don't start panicking. First, you have to figure out where the hell is this, then you can find ways to get the fuck out of here.

I pushed myself to haul my body up. When I looked over my surroundings, there were literally nothing but complete blackness. I couldn't see beyond the darkness, no matter how hard I tried to concentrate, despite the fact that there was a light source that shone upon me. I also managed to see my legs were bounded pretty tight, rendering them useless.

What... Where is this...?

Despite the bondage, I had been attempting ways to set myself free. I tried to loosen the straps, or even try to slip my hands off them as slowly as possible, but none of the plan worked. In the middle of doing this, I suddenly heard someone chuckling, sounding as if it was just near my place.

"God, you're finally awake." It said. "You've been out for hours, dude."

I immediately shot my head up, frantically trying to identify the source of the voice. There, I noticed a blurred outline of a figure emerging from the dark. The characteristics were still too vague, but based on the build, I immediately knew that it was a human. Now, that the light shone against figure, I could see his appearance clearly, and there, I froze on the spot and stopped what I was doing.

He was wearing a silver hat, with nicely trimmed black hair and a pair of brown eyes. They were supposedly warm and welcoming, but now, they screamed sadistic and were completely the opposite of what I saw days earlier. Despite so, I instantly recognized him.

"...Ra..." I tried to force my words out of my throat, but I firstly choked on them. I swallowed most my saliva, but when I saw that he was holding a pair of scissors, my heart started to pound hard, and I felt like I was going to hyperventilate. "...Raphael...?"

"Sup." Raphael greeted, grinning in a sinister manner. He began snipping his scissors, and those noises made my body tensed up further. I kept my gaze fixed on the scissors as he grew even nearer, as my chest heaved up and down. I felt cold sweat forming on my forehead, trickling down my skin.

I didn't say anything, nor did he.

He only smiled ominously at me, and that was when I noticed that more figures started appearing. As they got nearer, I realized that they were everyone: Seb, Florence, Alyssa, and even Rena. All of them had, disturbingly, the same exact expressions as Raphael. They didn't do anything; they just stared down at me.

"Rena, what the fuck is going on...?" I asked, but she didn't reply. She remained stoic, standing beside Seb and kept her smile, but her blue eyes spurted with hatred. My body soon trembled at her stare, despite the straps holding me down.

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