f o r t y - s e v e n t h ♂️

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Seb's abrupt departure obviously showed us signs that he won't return, especially the way he rapidly paced as he withdrew from the group. The last time I saw his face, he still had some leftover tears that he probably had forgotten to clean up. As minutes of dreadful silence passed by, we decided to settle ourselves in the gazebo nearby; the same one Alyssa and I had rested days earlier.

To this time, I had nothing to say about the confessions other than the apology earlier, although I was thrown aback by Seb's. Not only he was jealous, but he still couldn't accept the fact that Lynn had passed, even when I thought he had already moved since a long time ago.

It could be said that almost all of us, including me, had been hiding many hideous intentions. We had let our feelings play with our actions so that each of us could get their own benefits. We are all driven by selfishness...

Meanwhile, Rena stood beside Alyssa, whose was still on the verge of recovering. Alyssa comfortably rested her head against her friend's shoulder, as if no conflicts happened between them. Rena allowed her, even I could see her somewhat tensing up.

Even the judgemental Florence was dead silent this time. Well, it was better instead of throwing insults like she was going to rule over everyone. With a frown etched on her lips, she simply crossed her arms and leaned her body against the pillar. Raphael stayed along with her, as he kept cleaning off some dirt of his nails, despite the fact that they were already clean.

For me, it was more wise to just stay clear, so I decided to be alone. I was just looking at the ground, with both of my hands inside my pockets. I shook my left foot to make myself feel more comfortable, and refused to look at anyone's glances.

Is someone going to start a conversation soon? Or are we going to stand here until we all go home? I began to wonder. Since I had been quiet most of the time, perhaps they were all waiting for me to speak up. If it was indeed true, I didn't know what to say, and it would be very awkward, especially the fact that I was not the type to talk so much.

... but how else are we going to do?

We can't just stand around like this... I fixed my jaw. Someone really has to do something...

...In this case, seems like no one wants to speak, so I have to do it. I firmly told thought myself. Maybe, I could try talking about how-

"I'm going home, then. See you around." Before I could open my mouth to speak, Florence decided to be the one to initiate, breaking the intense silence apart. She loosened her arms, and began to walk off the platform, but she stopped midway when someone called her out.

"... You knew something more with Seb, didn't you?" Raphael asked, looking up and gazing straight at her. "If you don't, you wouldn't have stopped me."

Florence said nothing, but her first response was to shrug helplessly. She then held her head high as her eyes zoomed into the gloomy sky.

"Well... you got me." She disclosed.

"... You clearly told us that you had nothing to say." Alyssa bravely broke in, clenching her hands together. Rena didn't try to interfere, although in the end, she eventually nodded in agreement.

"Yes I did, but it doesn't mean I couldn't change my answer." Florence retorted, snorting contemptuously. This quickly hushed Alyssa, although her face looked like she was ready to pounce at her.

"The truth is, I'm already aware of the truth since a long time ago, but I was asked to keep quiet, but since you all knew what happen... I guess it's the right time to spoil the secret." She began to explain, though she didn't want to face all of us. "Sebby always bottled all of his emotions. He always hides his pain behind his smile."

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