f o r t y - s i x t h ♂️

176 18 110


The cold, acute breeze that seemingly originated from the ocean swiftly made its way through the silent group. I could see that it had the strength to send ripples through everyone's clothes, but I wasn't paying attention on that. My focus was on Raphael, who fell silent right after his announcement.

Everyone watched him as he attempted to speak out, but it seemed like he was having much difficult to reveal his feelings. He was particularly eyeing at me, which just made the atmosphere intense. He gripped his lips, and obscured his eyes behind his hat.

I moved another step back, making sure to keep an ideal distance from him. In no such way I would get closer, since he might have his scissors ready and strike anytime. I steadied my breaths, and pushed all prevailing thoughts of him attacking me away. If he did assault me, the entire group will know, and will be the witness to every of the scenes.

However... I swallowed my saliva that was building up inside my mouth. ...if the group sees this... they would know about everything: my problems, my... hallucinations... basically things that are better left unshared.

I have to be strong this time, and I couldn't let myself fall into a trance.

I have to learn how to overcome my fear of him. Right now, I sensed no repulsive vibes coming from Raphael, and it absolutely baffled me. The sight of him always sent me bonkers, eventually breaking into a panic attack, but this time, there was no reaction.

I had no idea what happened, but at least it brought some relief to my soul. No matter what, though, I didn't dare to lower down my guard. I simply prepared myself of what was to come, and stood upright.

I tried staring straight at Raphael, but I immediately refused, and instead gazed through his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I know you won't ever trust me again, but hear me out for a minute or two." Raphael began, murmuring under his shaky breath. "When we first met, I already expected you to be upset, so I never expected forgiveness from you. The moment you shrug me off back at the cafe, I understood your feelings. If I were you, I would do the same thing."

"... If you understand my feelings, why don't you leave me alone...?" Pushing all of the fears into the back of my head, I, at long last, found the courage to talk back. "Why do you have to come after me when you know I wanted to have a private time?"

"I never want to pursue after you," Raphael answered, while his head turned towards Seb's direction, "it was Seb. He thought that by having you and I alone, we can try sorting things out. Even I knew it won't work, I thought there's still some hope, but obviously, you know the results."

Seb didn't bat an eye at us, but I could see him stiffening his shoulders.

I said nothing, and just eyed at his shifting legs. I wanted to tell him, that he was responsible for all the shit I had been through: nightmares, panic attacks, and most of my hallucinations. Of course no voice came out from my throat.

"It's okay if you won't forgive me, Chris. I'm not going to force you." He continued. "Heck, who in their right minds will forgive someone whose clumsiness costs his friend one of his eyes? If I were more attentive, then all of this won't happen..."

He paused in the middle of the sentence. Before I could think further, he suddenly extended his arms towards me, and before I could react, he clamped both of his hands on my shoulders.

His touch made my heart stop beating, and dropped at a faster rate. I held my breath, abruptly stopping the oxygen supply from entering my longs. I immediately barred my teeth, waiting for him to pull out those scissors and thrust my eye. I instinctively shut my vision off and looked away.

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