t w e n t y - s e v e n t h ♂

269 22 220

07:38 AM


The digital clock beside my bed showed me that it was the time for birds to rise and shine. The rays from the sun easily permeated through the curtains, illuminating my room for a bit. Despite a new day, my body refused to move from my bed, because everything hurt. I tried to force myself up, but the piercing pain had been stabbing through my muscles.

"Ugh..." I grunted.

It was not the type of hurting where I can easily recover from, but it came from every single part of my body: my arms, legs, head, chest and even my own eyes. They were sore, probably because I excessively rubbed them. The rest were probably because I had been sleeping in an improper position or that I choked down on my... terrible sobs.

The bottle I used to keep my feelings had finally shattered, but I was able to stitch it shut before it went worse. I was able to release a few of my emotions, to which I was slightly relieved of it.

There, I remembered how Lu had hugged me, trying to comfort me from all the shit I had been through.

Even if it was a tiny part of it, someone finally came to understand me. I felt a tiny and negligible stream of happiness inside of me thinking about it.

She wanted to sleep here to accompany me, but I had refused her aid, and told me to return to her room. I definitely didn't want her to get sick just because of me. She was adamant at first, but she finally gave in and left me alone.

I felt that my fever hasn't gone away, but as I touched my forehead, there wasn't much heat anymore. It was probably thanks to the medicine Mother had given me and also the rest from yesterday. I still needed to be in bed, however, as now, my whole body ached. I attempted breathing slowly and gazed at the lights above me.

I wonder about what the others are doing, though... I thought. They're probably busy with something else while I am here looking like shit. 

There was always a glaring difference between my friends and I on most of the holidays: they had something to do, while I don't. All I did was shutting myself in my room and doing absolutely nothing, just like summer break last year and the years that preceded before that.

Back to reality, I realized that I haven't seen Seb for quite some time, and it was Saturday that I last saw him. Maybe he was really focused with his work, since he never texted me like he usually did.

Is he really that busy though? I narrowed my eye. Maybe, I should check him out...

My guts urged me to check him out, unsatisfied with that reason, so I took heed of its request. Despite the struggles, I managed to grab my phone beside the clock, and went to Seb's message board. Hesitation ensued, but I shook my head and typed in the text.


I punched the send button almost immediately and let out a deep exhale. I didn't type in any more replies; I simply placed my phone beside me and slowly flipped over to the other side. While waiting for him to respond, I gradually recalled all the words he had once said.

"You can't just be stuck in the past the whole time." He had told me, his eyes had expressed concern. "It's sad seeing you like this, man. You really have to move on."

Move on... I clenched on my face. How do I do that effectively...? I tried to remove those memories off my mind, but they always come back in a lot of ways...

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone suddenly buzzed. Beforehand, I had silenced the ringtone from blaring out, so I wasn't mostly surprised by it. As I turned towards the phone, I saw that the video call was from Skype, and that someone was calling me from the app. Looking at the caller, it was Seb, whom I had been looking for.

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