e p i l o g u e ♂️

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August 2012, 05:21 PM.

"Hey man. Uh, this is probably late news, but I noticed from Facebook that you and Serena are dating. Is that true?"

"Yeah, it's been nearly a month. Why?"

"Oh no, I just want to clarify if it's true or not... Anyway, I wanna give you a late congrats. You two are seriously a perfect match for each other, especially your couple pic in that fancy restaurant and at the arcade. You shouldn't be so worried about problems most new couples had gone through... but how's it going with her?"

"Thanks, I appreciate it. So far, it's been going great and fun. We have been hanging out so much during the holidays, and also during school."

"I can tell from the pics you posted that you really love and treasure your girlfriend."

"I... I do."

"Aw, that's cute and sweet of you, but have you like... done anything, though...? Like... a make-out session or something else? Hehehe..."

"That's completely none of your business. My romantic life doesn't concern you."

"Come on man, don't act so cold around your childhood friend! It's been so long since I met you, buddy!"

"It's only three years, don't be so dramatic about it."

"Three years is long enough! Look at you now... your appearance changed completely compared to the last time I've seen you. You seemed more manly... fiercer and stronger compared to when you're in middle school... Okay, that's no offense, though I have to admit, I miss your upbeat, energetic attitude..."

"I've... kinda matured, I guess."

"Yeah you do man... a lot, I suppose. Also, I still can't believe you've decided to keep that old note I had given you..."

"I didn't know why did I keep it. I should have thrown it away..."

"Ouch, that hurt... but hey, at least you finally contacted me... Anyway, how's the others going? By the others, I mean Seb and Alyssa."

"They're both doing well. Seb had been really busy about the fashion show in town last week. He had been creating lots of dresses and clothes for many of his upcoming projects, so... I didn't really have much time talking to him."

"Wait, I think I friended Seb on Facebook, and wow... he is sure a workaholic, alright?"

"Yeah, he sure is." And I'm real glad that he has put his past behind him and is over Rena.

"He has been announcing lots of new designs through posts. Heck, he also posts photos of him wearing clothes he had made... and damn, the amount of fangirls after him in the comments... Can't blame them though... he got the looks and the charisma."

"I'm used to it. I just liked his posts and didn't bother reading the comments, even when he begged me to write at least a comment. Last time Seb met two fangirls when we were at Dunkin Donuts. Not a big deal though, they just want his autograph and asked me to take their photos with him."

"Haha, you're his best friend after all."

"Heh, unfortunately."

"How about Alyssa? I didn't friend her on Facebook, so I dunno about her."

"She's kinda the same Alyssa. You know, being bossy but has a terrible luck with her directions and asking Rena for her help whenever we were on a date." I'm also glad she didn't break her friendship with Rena... and that she... has completely moved on.

"Aw, Jesus... I feel bad her. She really need to use some sort of GPS so that she didn't have to drag Serena and you into her problems."

"Yeah, I know. Rena has been suggesting her that as well."

"I wish her luck! Oh... uh... and buddy?"


"I've seen you friending... uh... Raphael on Facebook as well. What happened? Did you guys finally get back together?"

"Well... it's a long story, but to make it short, Raphael came all the way from Minnesota to visit his grandparents here. He then met me and the others... and yeah, so that's what happens."

"So you... uh, forgive him after what he has done to you?"

"Well... not really. At first, I despised his guts... but after some time... I started growing out of it. I realized that holding a grudge against him won't do anything and bring my eye back... so yeah... I did forgive him. We kinda reconciled, and yeah... well, we're back as friends."

"Oh wow... well, that's great then... Where is he right now?"

"He had flown back to Minnesota just last weekend. We still kept in touch, though. How about you, have you... try interact with him?"

"No, man. We haven't even said a single word ever since that time. Maybe now that you two had gone back together, I'll try to do so later."

"Yeah... also if you can, please do send my regards to William."

"I will, but don't be so concerned about him, buddy. I know it seems that he's not fond of you since he keeps rejecting your friend's request, but I'm sure he will come by. Just not right now."

"Thanks... and well... I'll be off then... I need to get to work right now."

"Oh, alright... Wish you luck with your work. See ya around!"

"See you, Sawyer."

That decision of calling his number on that Post-It note... wasn't a dud, after all.

~ FIN ~

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