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By the time it was 7 o'clock, we had gone around the group more than twelve times and I already felt as though I'd known them for a lifetime.

'Ok I'm tired of this now, hey why don't we all watch a movie, um Carmen there's a popcorn packet in the cupboard, can you go and put it in the microwave and wait for it please?' So I got up and went into the kitchen to retrieve what she had asked for. Ooh lollies.

'Hey Co', do you want me to bring the lollies too?'

'Huh? Oh yeah sure.' 'Ok guys pick a movie.' I heard Coral say. The popcorn only took a few seconds to cook and straight after I that I poured it into a large bowl and grabbed another one for the lollies.

'So what movie are we watching?' Half expecting something ridiculous like oh I dunno know, Grown Ups or 21 Jump Street, nope. Not that at all. Nottt even close sista.

'Oh just The Conjuring.'

'Oh heell nah. I'm not watching that. Nope, I ain't watching nuthin like that.'

'Yes you are.' Coral walked up to me and pulled to the other side of the room. 'Carmen. Look bebs, you're going to watch this..because I said so. And. Not to mention they picked it and you, my dear have to look confident and cool. Just go with it, besides, you haven't even seen it. It'll be fine, there's five of us altogether so it won't be as scary..come on you're watching it.' And that's when I was forced to watch my fears.

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