Chapter 8 - Getting to know you

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'Alright bitches! How bout a game of truth or dare? Yes is the answer, ok Carmen come to the dining table.' announced Coral. Marino moved over so we could fit and I sat across from Eru. 'Ok who's go first? Truth or dare Jermaine?'

'Uh truth.'

'K..hmm. I'll start small, were you popular or unpopular at school?' I thought she would have already known the answer to this as she'd known them all for quite some time.

'Mr popular ay! I was the bomb!' And obviously the boys cracked up. They seemed to laugh at anything, well they were boys after all.

'Now Marino. Truth or dare?' This caused Marino to paint a mischievious grin on his face.


'Ooh hard core. Ok..someone think of something.' Now I don't know why I said this but I yelled out ;

'Kiss her on the cheek!' Wow. Why'd I say that? Now it was Marino's turn to blush and the others to whistle. Doing as he was told, he slowly lent towards Coral and put his lips against her cheek. And let me tell ya, it was kinda cute.

'Whoop whoop!' The guys yelled.

'Shut up you two! Ok Eru, truth or dare?' asked the rather mortified Marino.

'Uh truth.'

'Alright, how many girlfriends have you had?'

'Why that question?'

His reply was simple. 'Because I asked.'

'Ookk..three.' the embarrassed hot-o answered.

'Aw bro, why not more? Come on seriously?' Jermaine chipped in.

'Ok then, Carmen what about you? How many guys have you been with?' Although Eru had just asked me a question....wait what?! He just spoke to me!? What the actual eff? 'Uhh hello? Earth to Carmen, he just asked you somethi- oh I see..' then Co' nudged me and then winked. She can be so evil sometimes, I mean why not do that in front of the hot one? I mean he's totally NOT going to think I like him. Not that I do.

'Oh um, yeah. Uhh, Coral already know's so..yeah.'

'Yeah but Eru asked, not me sweet cheeks. Answer him.'

' none.' Right at this point I felt like curling up into a ball and roll away from their shocked expressions.

'Gurl what the fuck? You serious cuz?'

'Yes Jermaine, I'm serious.' Next topic please, someone, anyone?

'Ok so enough with that, someone ask me something.' Coral immediately spoke up.

'What type of guy do you go for?' Smart thinking Marino, it was so obvious he liked her. And I mean who wouldn't?

'Good question, umm. Well for starters, he has to be kind, and know how to treat his lady right. Muscly, not too much though. Uh dark hair and I don't really care what coloured eyes. Anndd, yeah I guess that's about it really. Oh! How about for Carmen's sake, we each go around and tell the group things that the rest of us don't know about them. I'll go first, ok so when I was three, my mum and I were going somewhere, when this guy, drunk I presume, rammed right into my side of the car and I hit my face on the window and I had to have surgery on my lips and my cheek bones.'

' did not expect that.' said a shocked Jermaine. 'Ok my turn, so listen right, when I was born, I wasn't normal--'

'Bro we all know that.' And Eru was hilarious too! Well. According to the rest of the guys.

'Shut up, cause when I was born, my right arm didn't work properly, so it was like..a dead arm basically, it's like when you arm goes to sleep and you can't feel it. But then it was fine.' Um ok? I think there's a lot about Jermaine that not even the others knew about, he's a weirdo that's for sure.

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