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So I just took off the skirt and heels and put them on my desk and changed back into my hip hop gear. It was now time for the duet with Coral.

'Ya ready bitch?'

'Ready as ever.'

'Make sure to keep up ay? I'm known to leave my partner behind.'

'Only if you can keep up with my first bitch.'

'Oo feisty. Oh and uh, make sure you give it your all for mr Eddy over there.' Coral winked.

My pose was my right foot standing up off the ground and the other relaxed. My arms both covered my face with strong force. Coral just stood with one hand flexed and the other as though she was about to click above her head.

'You ready girls?'

We both nodded our heads.

The beat roured up with claps and a beat at a constant clicking. We both circled our hips and clicked our fingers, we then switched places and did the same thing, then the music rose and lyrics began. You know when something makes you happy so you yell out yes, ball your fist and do a little pump with your arm? Well there were a few of these in our moves, both sideways and downways. One time I could slam my legs down onto the ground and roll my torso in a cicular motion, and then next Coral could by circling the air with her hands and bringing them to her chest with force. Hip hop is hard to explain in words so bear with me. We tried multiple hip hop movements while Rihanna was singing the same words over and over again but then the real lyrics came about and I found myself singing under my breath.

'Suck my cockiness lick my persuasion. Eat my words and then swallow your pride down, down. Place my wants and needs over your resistance. And then you come around you come around you come around.' Even Coral was finding it hard not to sing along.

Kicks, spins, jutts, flexes, jerks, all kinds of moves we performed and I was loving it.

FINALLY we'd finished.

'Woop woop! You's smashed it ya hot little things.' Said Jermaine clearly impressed.

'Why are you so good at dancing...and at being awesome...and looking amazing, oh nah that's my job!' the three boys cracked their usual laugh which in some ways could have come across as girls laughing but was still pretty cute.

Coral motioned her finger in a circle near her temple to indicate how crazy they were.

'I know right? I think I'm done dancing for the day.'

'Yeah me to, I think I-'

'Carmen? I'd like to speak to you in my office thanks.' said Missy as she shut the door again.

'Ohhhhh, someone's been a naughty girl.' Marino teased.

'Shit what do you think she wants?'

'I don't know actually, she's never pulled someone aside to her office to speak to them before..ever. Just go and see what she wants and then tell us what she says when you come back.' Coral instructed.

I really hope I wasn't in trouble. I went down the stairs and down the hall where I first went for the interview, I peaked around Missy's office door.

'Have a seat.' I did as told. She folded she hands and leant forward on her chair.

'Now. I already know you and the gang are going to Hawaii fo-'

'How did you know that?'

'Just, listen. I know you'll be going there very soon for Angie's wedding, and yes I know because Angie is my sister's bestie. But. When you come back, I'd personally like to invite you and the rest of the crew to perform at Kanikani Mīharo in Queenstown.' (means dance spectacular).

'Wow. I don't know what to say.'

'You don't have to say anything but yes.'


'Good. I've already sorted out your costumes and dance styles so I can show you all now if you like?'

'Yes! I mean yes thankyou.' I was absolutely giddy with excitement.

I went in front of her back up the stairs and squealed with delight when I reached the others.

'Guess what, guess what, guess what!? We're all invited to dance at the dance spectacular when we come back from Hawaii!!'


'Yes she's serious, now if you'd all like to come with me I'll show you your outfits.' Missy filled in.

'I think I'm dead Carmen, I think I'm literally dead with happiness!'  said Coral. The boys began chatting away as well.

'Here we are, the forbidden room. It has all the costumes we've ever used and costumes we're all yet to use. Ria will guide you to your reserved clothes.'

'Oh hey again. Ok um boys here are yours.' She pointed to three black velvet cloths. Um what?

'I chose these because I wanted them to represent our Maori culture so I went traditional. And on the day you'll have to do your own face and body paint because my makeup artist will be away.'

'That's all choice Missy, we've got experience.'

'I'm sure you do. Have fun with this.' and she left.

'Okay so these are to wear to cover your underwear and because this is what the Maori's would probably have worn centuries ago anyhow. So you can go do whatever with them in the big changeroom over there in the corner. Now Coral, Missy has chosen for you to perform a hip hop routine and you'll be wearing a tight grey singlet crop top with black commando skinny jeans with bright blue and green nike hightops, your outfit is over by the feathery clothes rack . Now as for you..hang on one second.' Ria went over to a metal clothing rack and pulled out a hanger with a purplely blue salsa dress. It was breathtaking.

I gasped. 'CORALLL!'

'Im here, I'm here!' she sprinted to my side and stared in awe at my outfit.

'Holy mother fuck..Is this seriously..'

'Yes this is Carmen's outfit.' Ria chimed in.

'Giirrrrlllll you are one lucky mother asshole. Aw gee why can't I be a salsa dancer? Aw shux.' you could tell she was dissapointed.

'Oh and you get to wear these silver heels. Go try it on. Go on.' She shooed us into the change room.

'You are soooo lucky. It's fucking gorgeous!'

It was tassles all over (as the majority of salsa dresses are) with with sides of the dress cut out as well as the back. It sat at mid thigh. I impatiently took of my original clothes and slid into my brand new dress. Coral did the zip up then I turned to look into the mirror. At this point memories came flooding back of when I used to do salsa and I became a bit emotional.

'Oh gurl it's all choice. Here I'll take a pic and send it to Charli.' she took out her phone and snapped a picture of me with the dress on.

'There and sent...hey boys!! In here!!'

'Coral?!' I slapped her arm a little harder than intended.

'Yeah what did y--fuck!' For the fifth hundredth time this week the boys looked on with disbelief.

'Am I seeing an angel? A fucking. Hot. Angel?'

'Oh yeah.' Coral waggled her eyebrows at me.

' look...amazing.' Eru's eyes widened. I must be struck by some luck arrow or something because I have NEVER had this much attention in my life.

'Thanks..I love it.'

'I can only imagine...I wonder what Charli'd look like in that.' he stared into thin air with a curious facial expression. He walked back out and began talking to Charli about my outfit on the phone...although mostly just the usual I can't wait to see you or baby I miss you more kinda thing.

'You look good.' Jermaine gave me a thumbs up and a wink.

It was Eru's turn. 'I am DEFINATELY watching you when it's your turn at the festival.'  It was just Coral and I in the change room now and she was beaming at me.

'My luv you are one lucky as bitch.' And I knew she was right.

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