Chapter 12 - Day n Night

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'So who's this Charli friend of yours?' Coral asked while driving with one hand.

'Well we met in grade 7 and then became friends...just in high school I guess. Um and she text me when we were watching The Conjuring and asked if we could catch up. I haven't seen her since graduation.'

'Cool. So just going for luch ay?'

'Yeah.' We pulled up at the shops and she dropped me off. Charli was waiting at the Kai Reira cafe (this means eat it) and we greeted eachother.

'I can't believe you're actually here! Gimme a hug gurl.' I said.

We both went up to the counter and ordered. 'Ok so can I please get seasoned chips, caesar salad, with an iced rasberry smoothie and what are you getting Charli?'

'Um I'll get an iced coffee and a grilled barbeque sandwich thanks.' I payed much to her objection and we sat back down at our table.

'So tell me, what have you been up to?' she asked once seated.

'Well, obviously a lot. Um I went to uni in Aus. And then I moved here not too long ago. Like recently. Uhh. I met my friend at the shops and then met three guys who happen to be her besties and we're all...I don't know actually, I'm friends with Coral but the guys, we haven't known each other for that long. I got offered a job working with her and what do ya know, the guys go there regularly.'

'What job is it?'

'It's at Auckland's Dance Studio. Coral and I work in studio four.'

'Oo that sounds fun?..Are they hot?'

'Totally! FFFAAR hotter than the guys back in Australia.' we laughed for about 2 minutes.

'I've actually noticed that in New Zealand the guys really are quite hot. I've already scored four guys' numbers.'

'Haha really? Lucky you Miss Charli.'

Our food arrived after ten minutes of chatting, this was quite fast considering catering was generally much slower.

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