Chapter 19 - I wonder how this'll go

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I woke up feeling a bit strange, what was I lying on? Oh I looked down to see the couch but even further down, Eru sleeping peacefully on the ground curled up in a blanket. I poked his shoulder continuesly,

'Wake up egg.' He finally opened his eyes and looked up at me.

'Hey there.'

'Now can you kindly explain to me how I ended up on the couch and not my bed?'

'Oh well I didn't want to sleep alone so I brought you in the living room instead.'

'Seriously? Hey am I still in my togs?'

'The last time I checked yes.' Okay now he's getting it. I reached towards my feet and picked up a pillow and whacked Eru's bare chest..his very muscly..bare chest. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and the pillow with the other, because my arms were being forced to give way this caused me to fall off the couch and land on top of him. We stayed like this just staring into eachother once again.

'Holy shit you two, second base already. I thought I knew you..but no..I was mistaken.' Coral dramatically placed her hand on her heart. I scrambled off of him and wrapped my blanket around me.

'Coral, you and I are going to have to dance today.'


Eru filled her in. 'I said to her in the spa last night that because I haven't seen her dance yet, she's gotta do it today at the studio.'

'Come to think of it..I haven't either..but I'm only dancing with you the first few times and then your on your own. Okay? Good.' she spread nutella and butter on toast hungrily.

We all got ready for the day (excluding Charli because she had to work at the bar today, but including Marino) and set off in Jermaine's car.

'Sorry about last night Carmen.' Jermaine half heartedly said.

'Apology half accepted.'

'Why half?'

'Because of your half hearted tone.'

'Haha very funny.'

'No seriously.'

The rest of the ride was the four of us not talking. We arrived at Auckland's Dance Studio and checked in at the front desk. Ria, the receptionist whom I'd met the first day, eyed Eru and I very closely.

'Hey Eds, haven't seen you since last week, what happened?'

'Just needed a bit of a break.'

'Ya miss me?' she winked while chewing gum with no reply from Eru just a polite faint smile.

We head upstairs and put our bags down next to the door.

'Hey Carmen, come over here so we can choose which songs to freestyle to today.' I skipped over to her desk. I wheeled my chair next to hers as we began scrolling through her Macbook Air. The boys warmed up which consisted mostly of mucking about and laughing histarically.

Most of the songs I just couldn't feel a connection with and neither could Coral. The boys settled on performing a Poropeihana Haka lead by Eru (check it out on YouTube) which to my delight was very good. I settled on La La La by Shakira because I wanted to catch up on my salsa and Coral chose Fancy by Iggy Azalea. I personally disliked the song after hearing it so many times but oh well. The two of us decided to dance together to Cockiness the Trap Music remix. The words were a bit raunchy but the beat suited hip really well.

'Okay boys, our turn now. Actually it's mine then Carmen's..and then we'll do one together.'

I was in charge of the music. I pressed play. Coral shot up out of her starting position and did a series of elbow jerks. Her legs and armsoved sharply with the beat and her mouth mimed the words. She was really quite good. Her foot slid across the floor as her shoulders bopped sideways.

Her quickly fell to her knees and turned her head to the side and did a stomach role. She shot right back up and landed with feet apart and sliced the air with her fists. SHe continued dancing strictly to the beat for the rest of the song until finally collapsed on the ground claiming she'd made it....??

'You're turn bitch. Show us your salsa side. And take that shirt off, no one does salsa in a t shirt.'

'How would you know?'

'My mother was a salsa dancer once upon a time.'

'' I awkwardly to my shirt off revealing my lime green dance bra (actually designed to be worn on its own anyway) leaving me in a bra and genie pants.

'You'll need these for the job too.' I whirled around to the door to see Missy the big boss handing me gold ballroom heels and a gold frilly ballroom skirt. She instructed for the boys to face the blank wall so I could put them on.

I instantly felt the now familiar feeling of being a salsa dancer. It was not only fun but very sexy.

'You boys can turn around now.' Said Missy.

They turned around and stared in amazement, they whistled.

'Very nice. Very nice indeed.' Commented Jermaine.

'Belissimo.' Said Marino.

As for Eru, 'I think I'd better start learning salsa so I can be your partner.' I blushed.

'Coral, music.' Missy clapped her hands. 'I may be inspecting but just pretend I'm not even here.'

'Okay.' I replied a little nervous.

My starting pose was one hand on the hip, the other outstretched to the side and one leg in front of the other. La La La by Shakira started up and I pointed my foot to my left and strongly flew my hands above my head. I circled my leg around my a few times. My movements were at medium pace for the start but when the music suddenly became faster I started use my skirt as a prop by swaying it backwards and forwards fast and jutting my legs in front and behind me. My hips shook to the beat while my hands remained firm but still danced along. I began to really get into it like I used to back in school and forgot all about being watched. My movements became sexier and faster just like it should for salsa. When slow parts arrived I maintained sexiness but still went with the pace. This lasted about 2-3 minutes while really enjoying myself the whole time. When I finally finished I panted and looked in the mirror to see everyone shocked.

'Holy. Mother effing. Shit that was amazing!!' The whole room seemed to brighten immediately. The group all came up to and showered me with compliments much to my embarrassment.

'Well. Done. I think we could use you in the upcoming dance festival. You're very good. Keep it up.' Missy smiled and left the room. Compliments came running again. I felt amazing, this was something I hadn't felt for some time.

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