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Coral and I stayed up until around 10 o'clock that night but Co' fell asleep before me leaving my brain confused as to what to do. A small amount of people were still here as the rest had gone home. A soft knock sounded at Coral's bedroom door. Eru's peeped his head around.

'Hey.' he whispered. 'Jermaine, Charli, Marino and I were just wondering if you wanted to join us in the spa. It is pretty cold outside ay. So the spa would be good. You in?' Boom snap! Another bonus for the night!

'Yeah lemme just get changed first, I'll meet you out there.'

'Okay.' he carefully closed the door making sure he didn't disturb Coral. I decided to change into a real simple two piece purely because if he was going to like me for me, I needn't wear something super sexy or fancy. Simple is the ultimate sophistication as one once said. It was a plain black underwire top and black bottoms to match. A gathered together a towel and set off out to the spa. Charli had snuggled herself in Marino's arms while they both took up one whole side, Jermaine and Eru were on the other side with a gap between them, now of course that's where I had to sit, ironic. I placed my towel on the ground where the other's were.

'Good to see you accepted our invite.' said Jermaine with his usualy cheeky tone.

'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Oh nothing. An inside joke actually.'

'Okayy.' I sat myself down next to the two and began daydreaming instantly, this really was a great relaxing remedy.

'What are you thinking about?' Eru asked casually.

'Aw just life. How far I've come from just dreaming and then making it a reality.' Instead of Eru replying, he simply nodded and looked up at the twinkling stars.

'So cuz, where'd you get that bikini?'

'Why do you have to ask such absurd questions?'

'Why do you have to wear such sexy clothes. Oh that's right, it's not the's you!'

'Shut up Jermaine, no one likes you.' Eru defended me while playfully punching Jermaine on the arm, which meant reaching around me.

'Hey I'm asking a perfectly appropriate question...for a guy. But seriously, why do you have to look so damn hot all the time?' Um yeah now this was getting a little weird. But then again, he was a guy.

'Gee I don't know, maybe cause you choose to look at me when I'm at my best but look away when I'm at my worst?'

'Now cuz that ain't nice. I was being friendly, the least you could do is give me a reasonable answer.'

'Hmm, well I can't seem to think of one, why don't you answer for me.'

' always look so damn hot cause mr Eru over here is who you're trying to impress and because it's clearly working and he thinks you're so damn fine and being sexy is the only thing you can do at this point.'

Every single person in the spa went completely silent. It was Marino's turn to kick Jermaine beneath the water's surface.

'Fuckwit that's no way to talk to a girl.' Marino sternly warned. Jermaine threw his hands in the air.

'Hey I'm just saying what every guy is afriad to say..particularly Eru.' he mumbled.

'Excuse me but I don't appreciate being refered to in such a manner, no matter who thinks or says that I dislike it. Now if you could reframe from saying that in the future and change the topic now, I'll be a much happier person.'

'Well said sis.' Charli winked.

'Fine whatevs.' Jermaine's phone buzzed and he got up to retrieve it and went inside yelling into the phone.

'I wonder who that was.'

'It's probably his mum, they're always like that. I guess they love each other too much lol.'

'Back the fuck up...did you seriously just say lol in your sentence?'

'Uh yeah.'

'Wow..just wow.'

'What?' Eru nudged me on the arm. 'I have a question for you, a serious one come I've never actually seen you dance? Of all your shifts at the studio I've never once seen you dance.'

'I don't know actually, I guess you boys just take forever..I'm kidding...I don't know. I've just never felt the sudden urge to do so. Or the need.'

'Okay well tomorrow is when you start work again, you can dance then.'

'Okay. I guess. Fine, your on.' We shook hands.

We sat in silence only to hear Marino and Charli get up and head back inside. From the corner of my eye I saw Eru look at me about to say something but shut his mouth.

'A-about what Jermaine said before..he kinda rephrased what I'd originally said. I said I thought you were very beautiful, I never said anything like what he said.'

'Well..good. And..thanks. I mean, this whole thing a new to me. Getting genuine compliments from guys, not like those thousands of times when a guy'll come up to me and attempt to get me to jump into bed with him. And well, kissing is definately new. And I guess just having a guy like me back.'

'Well I'm honoured to be your first.'

'Glad to hear it.' I smiled at him.

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