Chapter 15 - Fight

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The next couple of days were purely me thinking back to my almost kiss with Eru, in which Marino ever so KINDLY interrupted (not), and what it would of been like. I was in the middle of feeling sorry for myself when Charli came through the door of Coral's bedroom (I'd shut myself in there and was laying on the bed).

'Hey. Um mind if I lie next to you?'

'Sure.' Charli uncertaintly sat down on the bed and hugged her knees towards her chest. I wonder what the matter was.

'Did you hear it?'

'Hear what?'

'Coral and Jermaine fighting again.'

'No why?'

'I thought so, you've been in this room for two days now and you seem to be completely oblivious to what's going on outside the door. What's wrong?'

'Huh? Nothing.'

'Yes there is. I can tell.'

I sighed. I couldn't pin point exactly what was wrong but, 'I guess just that I was finally about to kiss Eru and then something might of bloomed from that..but stupid Marino had to come and ruin Eru will never try that again and we probably won't ever have something between us.' I held back the tears.

'Oh hun. If Eru had the courage to try to kiss you, he'll definately have the courage to try agian. Believe me.'

'It's easy for you to say, you got your guy just like that.' I clicked my fingers to emphasise my point.

'That may be, but not with the past boyfriends. It took time. The same with you guys. And Marino only accidently interrupted because he was so happy.'

'From what exactly?'

'Well when we were in the kitchen that's when he finally asked me out and I said yes..'

'Back the fuck up..weren't you two dating that night at the club?'

'Dude! I had only just met him!' she laughed.

'I thought you said it takes time.'

'Yes, I did. But each relationship brings a different time shedule. Mine just happened to be easy. But yours..I do have a feeling it'll take longer to bloom. And I personally think it's SO much more romantic that way..' Charli smiled. 'I'm going to back out there now and you're welcome to come.'

'Fine. But only for a bit.'

'Oh and if you come out. You're in charge of stopping those two argueing.' she winked at me. (She was joking).

'How much more do I have to do? Sheesh.' Charli walked out with me in tow.

'No! Why should I? You're the one who's always telling me what I'VE done wrong, what I'VE failed at! You? Absolutely not! You think you're all superior.' Coral hissed.

'Why isn't anyone stopping this?' I whispered to Eru, Marino, and Charli.

'The last time someone tried to stop them argueing they got a cut eye, a massive hand mark on his arm and a severe telling off. No one stops them, they'll get over anyway.' Marino replied.

'That's not a good enough excuse. They just need to learn to listen to others and do as they ask if they're trying to help stop their fights.' So I decided to take matters in my own hands although it didn't work at first.

'Guys, cut it out!' I yelled.

'You're just a stuck up bitch who knows nothing! Besides I'm the older one!'

'See there you go again! All superior!'

'GUYS STOP!' I shouted even louder but they still turned on deaf ears.

'Well it's not my fault you were born freakin later! And your party idea stupid anyway!'

This was really starting to piss me off. I decided to whip out my Samoan anger.

'YOU TWO BETTER FUCKING STOP OR I'LL KEFE YOUR MULI'S UP!! YOU BOTH LITERALLY SOUND SO EFFING VALEA RIGHT NOW!!! JUST. STOP!!!!' (kefe;fuck  muli's:asses  valea: stupid). This was the loudest I've ever probably yelled in my whole but who cares because it seemed to have payed off. The entire house went dead silent and they were all staring at me in complete shock, I guess they never suspected me to be this verbally violent. But trust me, I could do a lot worse physically.

Without a sound, Coral ran quickly to her room and Jermaine walked out the side door and out where the pool and spa was.

'I'll go talk to him.' Marino exclaimed.

'And I'll go see if Co is alright.' When Charli turned to leave I saw a smirk on her face, I knew what she was doing. She was leaving me with Eru on purpose. The little witch she was but I secretly thanked her. Eru and I remained where we were, the silence growing painfully.

'Soo..' Eru began.

'Not much.' I answered his incomplete question that I knew he would say.

'Look. Um about sorry it was so awkward.'

'The ki..that?'

'Yeah.' he suddenly found his shorts particularly interesting.

'It wasn't your fault. It was stupid Marino's.'

'Haha. Well I'm glad you think so.'

'It wasn't a mistake by any chance was it?'

'Call it whatever you want I guess.'

'No, I want you to tell me what you believe it was.' I replied sternly yet warmly.

'We--Um. I..don't, think, it was.'

'Wait you do think it was a mistake? Or you do think it was for real?'

'As in I don't think it was a mistake.' YES!!! Hallulujah! I thanked God.

'Good.' I smiled while a million thoughts raced throughout my mind. It went back to silence for a couple of minutes until Eru got up and walked towards me. He stopped within a ten centimetre gap between us.

'It wasn't a mistake.' And he smiled as he went to join the boys outside.

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