1| Violence Is Never The Answer

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Okay so I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had problems on Wattpad for the past few days, so if I don't reply to comments or I take too long to it's because my notifications are extremely delayed (like, 8 HOURS delayed).

Anyway, please let me know if you received a notification for this chapter! I think that you won't until the 11th or something which sucks because I really did upload when I said I would (at exactly 12:00 am) 😩.

💗 Cambry

I HELPED TO haul the luggage up a small flight of stairs to get to the balcony of the motel room we would be staying in for the night, Heaven in my arms at the same time.

While Ruby tried to unlock the door, I took a moment to take in my surroundings. This motel was not as nice as the ones we had stayed at previously. There was black mould on the wall next to the door, and even Ruby looked slightly disgusted.

"This is the last one we will ever have to stay at." Ruby told me as she pushed the front door open. I saw her flare her nostrils when she got a whiff of something unpleasant.

I pulled the window open for some fresh air before letting out the breath I was holding in. When I turned around, Ruby walked towards me. We were both exhausted. The last few days had been filled with us moving all of our things to a storage facility and Gemma's things to Seth and Melanie's. Then, our flight was cancelled.

"Hey," Ruby touched my hips and pulled me towards her, "we're in this together, okay?"

I nodded and she placed a firm kiss on top of my head before walking away from me. I pouted at her and she quietly laughed, tossing her bag onto the bed.

"I'm scared to check the bathroom." Ruby said, yet walked towards it anyway. As she poked her head into the small room, I waited for her reaction. It took her a few seconds.

"Okay, it's actually not bad." She said and I sighed in relief. We had both expected it to be like something you see in a movie.

She fell back onto the bed and sprawled out, gesturing for me to join her. I dropped the luggage handles before jumping on, my knee crushing hers.

"Whoops, sorry." I said sheepishly. I always seemed to do that, and she barely reacted anymore, besides a little scrunch of her face.

I got comfortable beside her, throwing my leg across her waist and snuggling in close. She stared up at the ceiling while lazily dragging her fingers through my hair.

"Just think, soon we will be at the resort, relaxing by the poolside while drinking cocktails,"

"Mocktails," I corrected. "No alcohol, remember?"

"Hm," she smiled, "can't believe you've lasted this long."

"Well, I don't exactly make the best decisions when I'm drunk." I touched my collarbone, where the tattoo still sat. I no longer had the desire to cover it up.

"Maybe we can make an exception-"

The light above us started flickering. I felt myself tense up, having already felt on edge about this place. We watched for a few moments until it finally stopped, and all the lights to the motel went out simultaneously.

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